"Test! Launch!"




When Li Dahai's order was issued, more than two hundred howitzers and cannons with a caliber of [-] or more from the Heavy Artillery Division began to shell the positions of the Jinsui Army.

At the same time, the artillery of two other heavy artillery regiments also began to shell the positions of the Jinsui Army.

A heavy artillery division, two heavy artillery regiments, and nearly three hundred artillery pieces with a caliber of [-] or more bombarded the Jinsui Army violently.

The observers on the reconnaissance balloon continuously recorded various data, and then sent them back to the artillery position, allowing the artillery to modify the parameters of the artillery.

At this time, an earth-shaking performance is being staged on the Jinsui Army's position.

In terms of lethality, the howitzer is stronger, and in terms of penetration and destructive power against some bunkers, the cannon is undoubtedly the best artillery.

Especially cannons with a caliber above [-].

As long as the bunkers built by the Jinsui Army were hit, they would be the result of being overturned.

Many soldiers of the Jinsui Army hiding in the trenches were also blown away by howitzers.

A trapeze began to appear one by one.

Yang Aiyuan, who was in the rear headquarters, felt the intensity of the shelling.

Seeing the shaken dust on the table, Yang Aiyuan couldn't help frowning.

"Xingru! Listening to the sound of the cannon, there are probably heavy artillery with a caliber of [-] or more in the Pingyuan Army! Otherwise, the power would not be so powerful!,

Even we in the rear were so shaken by the shelling! "

Feeling the shock, Sun Chu looked at Yang Aiyuan solemnly and said.

"I know! Where did the Pingyuan Army get these heavy artillery? Even heavy artillery with a caliber above [-] can be obtained!"

"I don't know! Western countries are now restricting our weapons. It is impossible to sell those heavy artillery to us. Even if we want to sell artillery, the maximum is seven or five millimeter artillery. This is already the limit!"

Not only were they puzzled by this question, even Yan Baichuan and Feng Yuxiang were very puzzled.

Chapter 85: Battle of Taiyuan [[-]]

Dayu Town, the starting point of the Fifth Infantry Division of the Pingyuan Army!

With a serious face, Wang Chenggang kept looking at the bombarding positions in front of him through the binoculars, and raised his hand to look at the watch on his wrist from time to time.

As the main attack force this time, the Fifth Infantry Division has already prepared everything.

What is waiting now is the end of the shelling, and then their infantry will charge.

"Division seat! The commander sent a telegram that the artillery will carry out extended artillery coverage in [-] minutes. Please prepare our division to attack!"

Just as Wang Chenggang was waiting, a confidential officer ran over and said.

Wang Chenggang didn't say much, just read the telegram after receiving it.

"Send the order! Prepare to attack!"

Wang Cheng gave an order just after reading it.

After hearing this, the soldiers of the Fifth Infantry Division began to check their weapons and equipment for the last time.

Fifteen minutes later, the artillery fire of the Heavy Artillery Division and the two heavy artillery regiments began to extend to the rear positions of the Jinsui Army, and the soldiers of the Fifth Infantry Division immediately began to attack.

At the same time, twenty-five Type 28 dive bombers and twenty-five fighter jets taking off from Xinzhou Airport appeared in the sky at the same time.

The dive bombers began to cover the ground attack, and aerial bombs continued to explode on the positions of the Jinsui Army.

The attack of the Fifth Infantry Division was also extremely smooth.

After the previous heavy artillery bombardment, there were not many soldiers of the Jinsui Army left on the ground.

Now it is the bombing of dive bombers again. If the attack of the Fifth Infantry Division does not go smoothly, then it will be nonsense.

Type 28 dive bomber, this is a dive bomber that is more powerful than the later Stuka.

And what he is good at is not only the ammunition load but also the accuracy.

A veteran pilot can improve the accuracy of a Stuka to around eighty percent accuracy.

And the Type 28 dive bomber can increase the accuracy rate to [-]% under the control of clone pilots.

It can be said that if an aerial bomb goes down, there is almost no possibility of it failing.

It took less than fifteen minutes for the Fifth Infantry Division to attack the Jinsui Army's position from where it started.

As for the resistance on the Jinsui army's position, it can be said to be very small.

There were not many people alive under such bombing on the battlefield.

"Marshal! The Fifth Infantry Division sent a telegram. They have successfully entered the first position of the Jinsui Army. They only encountered local small-scale resistance and have been wiped out by them! They request the next target of the battle!"

In Han Ling's headquarters, Huang Kelin took a telegram from a confidential officer, looked at Han Ling and said.

"Let them not stop attacking! Immediately launch an attack on the second position of the Jinsui Army. In addition, order the sixth infantry division to form the second attack echelon, and the seventh and eighth infantry divisions to form the third attack echelon.

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