At the same time, the Air Force Special Mixed Division was ordered to dispatch all dive bombers and fighter jets in batches to provide cover for the attack of the ground forces!

In addition, the remaining four heavy artillery regiments that did not fire waited until the heavy artillery division and the two heavy artillery regiments stopped shelling, and immediately took over from them to continue shelling!Don't stop for a moment, I want them to spend the whole day under shelling today! "

Han Ling had a hideous look on his face.

He did not forget that people like Yan Baichuan and Feng Yuxiang ignored him a few months ago and claimed to eliminate his remarks.

At that time, because they killed Li Peiji, these people jumped out and wanted to beat and kill him.

Feng Yuxiang said that he wanted to step down Suiyuan, and Yan Baichuan said that he wanted to give Li Peiji that filial piety.

This is intolerable to Han Ling!

Following Han Ling's order, the Sixth Division, Seventh Division, and Eighth Division all began to move urgently.

At the airport in Xinzhou behind, there was a burst of roaring sound.

A fighter plane began to fly into the sky, and then flew directly in the direction of Dayu Town.They are going to provide air support to the attacking ground forces there!

When Han Ling made up his mind to defeat the Jinsui Army in the shortest possible time, Yang Aiyuan also got the news that the first position had been breached.

But he didn't panic, and there was no other expression other than a look of astonishment on his face.

"Order Li Jungong's [-]th Division to immediately help the second line of defense. Now I only release Duozhen's [-]th Division on that line of defense. Judging from the current situation, this is obviously not enough! In addition, Tao Zhenwu's [-]nd Division immediately Move to Gaocun Township. Although we are now on the defensive, it does not mean that we can be bullied by the Pingyuan Army!"

Yang Aiyuan is not a person who is willing to be beaten passively, he thought, since the Pingyuan army came to attack him, then he would fight him back.

Also let him know how powerful the Jinsui Army is!

"Xingru, if we want to fight back against the Pingyuan Army, we might as well drop Ma Yanshou's third division to the right side of Dayu Town. Fight a siege battle with the Pingyuan Army and see if they retreat!"

As soon as Sun Chu heard Yang Aiyuan's words, he knew that he was going to fight back.

"No! Ma Yanshou's third division will not be dispatched for the time being. We are only starting the battle now. If we continue to fight like this, the Pingyuan army will be hurt, and they will probably retreat. This is not good for our plan!"

Yang Aiyuan shook his head and vetoed Sun Chu's plan, and the war started now.If it had been like this from the beginning, the Pingyuan army would have been opened up, and they would have retreated.Your own plan can't be implemented!

I don't know whether Yang Aiyuan is too confident or thinks too highly of the combat effectiveness of the Jinsui Army.

At this moment in Han Ling's headquarters!

"What's the situation on the front line now?"

Han Ling asked after swiping around on the battle map with his baton.

"We are attacking the second position of the Jinsui Army, and the Jinsui Army has transferred an infantry division from behind.

But we have air superiority and artillery superiority.Wang Chenggang sent the news that it might take two or three hours for them to break through the second position of the Jinsui Army! "

Huang Kelin was quite familiar with these information, and he opened his mouth immediately.

"Two or three hours?"

Han Ling frowned.Two or three hours is not long, nor is it short.

"Report! The Air Force sent a message that an infantry division of the Jinsui Army was found in Gaocun Township! It seems to be attacking our right wing!"

At this moment, a confidential officer walked in and said.

"Gaocun Township?" Han Ling looked at the big map behind him after speaking.

Chapter 86: Battle of Taiyuan [[-]]

"Hmph! It seems that Yang Aiyuan is unwilling to be lonely! It's just too petty! He has [-] to [-] troops, but he only sent out an infantry division! If he wants to fight back, then fight a big one! Send out an infantry division , is to deliver food to me!"

After Han Ling watched it for two minutes, he couldn't help but sneered.

This Yang Aiyuan was so petty that he actually sent an infantry division.If it was him, he would send at least three infantry divisions, and at least two infantry divisions as backup behind him.

"Give me an order to order the Eighth Division to break away from the third echelon to attack immediately, and move closer to Gaocun Township! At the same time, the Ninth Division moves closer to the left side of Dayu Town, ready to assist the main attacking force! Didn't he, Yang Aiyuan, want to fight us back? Then I will Hit him and wipe him out!"

Han Ling dropped the baton in his hand and gave orders.

Following Han Ling's order, the Eighth Division immediately began to move closer to Gaocun Township, and at the same time the Ninth Division also began to move to the left side of Dayu Town.

It seemed that Han Ling really couldn't wait.

It was only the first day of the war, and he made such a big move.

From the left and right wings plus the middle, it began to form a crushing trend against the Jinsui Army, which obviously wanted to kill the Jinsui Army.

[-] against [-], and even took the initiative to attack, pretending to kill you, I have to say, Han Ling and his Pingyuan army are very rampant!

Gaocun Township, the second division of the Jinsui Army, Tao Zhenwu's division headquarters!

"Master seat! The message has been sent. The following regiments have also arrived at the designated location. As long as the order from above comes down, we can attack the left wing of the Pingyuan Army!" [Don't ask why the Pingyuan Army is The right wing, on the side of the Jinsui Army, is the left wing!Because that's the difference in location! 】

Tao Zhenwu's chief of staff walked to his side and said.

"En! Go down and order all the troops to take a break! Now the Pingyuan Army is attacking our second line of defense. I guess we will receive an order to attack the left wing of the Pingyuan Army after the second line of defense is stabilized! "

Tao Zhenwu looked at the map without raising his head and said.

"Master's seat! Pingyuan Army troops appeared on the opposite side of us! According to the report from the forward observation post, about [-] Pingyuan Army troops appeared on the opposite side of us!"

"Twenty thousand people?"

Tao Zhenwu couldn't help frowning after hearing this.

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