"Twenty thousand people? It seems that the Pingyuan Army has discovered our plan! Send a report to the headquarters to ask if we are attacking in advance. The Pingyuan Army has already discovered our plan!

In addition, if you continue to send orders, the various troops should not rest.Get ready for battle now.The Pingyuan Army sent [-] people in front of us, they certainly didn't come to watch a show! "

Tao Zhenwu was right, the Eighth Division of the Pingyuan Army did not come to watch the show.

After Wang Dayong arrived in Gaocun Township with his troops, he immediately ordered the troops to set up artillery positions. At the same time, he gathered all the division artillery regiments and regiment artillery battalions, preparing to attack the second division of the Jinsui Army at the same time.

At the same time, more than a dozen dive bombers and more than a dozen fighter jets appeared in the sky.They had just received orders from Han Ling to support the Eighth Infantry Division here.

Gaocun Township, Pingyuan Army Infantry Eighth Division, temporary division headquarters!

"Are all the troops ready?"

Wang Dayong didn't have any expression on his face, and asked after looking at the Jinsui army's position again with a telescope.

"Reporter's seat! Everything is ready! The artillery unit is also ready! Cannon at any time!"

"Very good! Order the artillery unit to start shelling in ten minutes, and at the same time contact the air force in the sky, asking them to provide air support! After half an hour of shelling, launch an attack immediately!"


"Master seat! Commander Yang has already replied. It is agreed that we will attack the Pingyuan Army on the opposite side. At the same time, in order to ensure that our attack goes smoothly, Commander Yang also sent Ma Yanshou's third division to support us!"

In Tao Zhenwu's headquarters, his chief of staff handed him a telegram.

"Great! I was afraid that the attack would be blocked, but I didn't expect that Commander Yang would actually send out Ma Yanshou's third division!"

Tao Zhenwu looked at the text on the telegram, and couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face.

"You immediately send an order to the troops below, so that the first regiment will immediately launch an attack on the opposite Pingyuan army, while the second and third regiments are ready to support at any time!"

"Okay! I'll go right away!"

After Tao Zhenwu's chief of staff finished speaking, he was about to deliver the order, but he heard the sound of rumbling cannons just a few steps away.




The Eighth Division of the Pingyuan Army began to attack. A heavy artillery regiment and three field artillery battalions with seventy or eighty artillery pieces began to attack Tao Zhenwu's Second Division.

At the same time, the fighter jets in the sky were unwilling to be lonely. They still sent the two [-]-kilogram aerial bombs on the wings to the Jinsui Army's position.

Only the dive bombers did not move.

Because they are going to cover the ground attack!

Only when the ground troops start to attack, they will come out to carry out precision strikes on the enemy positions!

Shells and aerial bombs fell on the crowd of the Jinsui Army, and a soldier of the Jinsui Army took a free plane.

Before Tao Zhenwu thought about attacking, he didn't build a decent position at all.

Now that he was suddenly bombarded by the Pingyuan Army, he was immediately stunned.

Those soldiers who were bombed could not even run away.

Wang Dayong stood behind a mountain with a telescope and watched slowly, with a sneer on his lips.

"Hmph! These Jinsui troops are really looking for death, and they actually want to raid their right wing in vain!"

"How long has the bombardment been?"

Wang Dayong put down the binoculars and asked.

"Reporter, it's been twenty-five minutes since the bombardment!"

A staff officer behind him replied.

"Twenty-five minutes? Order the artillery unit to extend the artillery coverage, and the first regiment will launch an attack immediately, followed by the second and third regiments! At the same time, contact the air force in the sky again and request air support!"


Following Wang Dayong's order, the artillery fire of the Eighth Division began to extend towards the rear of the Jinsui Army, and the dive bombers began to rush out of the clouds, and they swooped towards the Jinsui Army on the ground with the roar of death.

At a height of about [-] meters from the ground, they suddenly pulled up the nose, and then an aerial bomb fell.

The infantry of the Eighth Division also started to hold manual rifles, put on bayonets, and then, led by many clone soldiers, began to attack the Jinsui Army with a calm face.

Chapter 87: Battle of Taiyuan [[-]]



As the Pingyuan Army approached the Jinsui Army's position, the remaining soldiers on the Jinsui Army's position began to throw grenades sparsely.

It is said that the power of role models is huge. Originally, those recruits felt the explosion around them, and their hearts trembled.

But seeing the calm face of the clone soldiers beside them, unaffected by the explosion, filled their hearts with courage.

Start charging with the clone troopers, rifles in hand.

Of course, they don't know that these soldiers are clone soldiers, they only know that these soldiers are very powerful.

Including their squad leader and deputy squad leader.

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