Sun Chu thought for a while, looked at Yang Aiyuan and said.

"Send troops to test the Pingyuan Army? I think it's okay! It's also a good time to see what the hell the Pingyuan Army is doing!"

After thinking about it, Yang Aiyuan agreed to Sun Chu's suggestion, and then ordered a battalion of troops on the front line to test it out!

Seven forty!

An infantry battalion of the Jinsui Army began to cautiously approach the Pingyuan Army's position under the order of their commander.

At this time, there were still [-] minutes before the Pingyuan Army shelled.

Han Ling Command!

After eating, Han Ling was watching Huang Kelin draw on the map.

"Report! There is a telegram from the front line, and the Jinsui Army has sent a battalion to attack!"

"Send a battalion of troops to attack?"

After hearing this, Han Ling couldn't help curling his lips.

In the battle of hundreds of thousands of troops, a battalion is useless!


It might as well be a test!

"Order the front-line troops to fight back! A battalion of troops is coming to attack, and the Jinsui Army is too shy to take it!"


"Xingru, there is a telegram from the front, which of our battalions has been beaten back! The Pingyuan Army did not pursue it!"

Sun Chu held the telegram in his hand and said.

"No pursuit? This doesn't look like the Pingyuan Army's style! What is their purpose?"

When Yang Aiyuan heard Sun Chu's words, the doubts in his eyes became more intense.

However, doubts will be answered soon.

Seven fifty-nine!

The heavy artillery division of the Pingyuan Army and the artillery regiments of each division are all ready.

Their goal is the frontline and rear positions of the Jinsui Army.

Eight o'clock sharp!Under the waving of the commander's flag on the artillery position, all the heavy artillery began to roar at this moment.

The first three volleys directly made the Jinsui army's position look like a nest was blown up.

Chapter 90: One of the battles of Taiyuan to decide life and death [[-]]



The sound of howling shells, the sound of death, the sound of bomb explosions, etc., all kinds of sounds began to be staged on the positions of the Jinsui Army.

Except for the heavy artillery regiment of the Eighth Division, the other five heavy artillery regiments plus the heavy artillery division, nearly [-] artillery pieces with a caliber of [-] or more began to bombard the positions of the Jinsui Army.

At the same time, the dive bombers in the sky also scrambled into the air from Xinzhou Airport.

Aerial bombs were dropped on the positions of the Jinsui Army under the death-like roar of the dive bombers.

Flying stumps and broken arms, soldiers of the Jinsui Army flying around, billowing gunpowder smoke.

Various scenes were staged in the positions of the Jinsui Army.

This is the battlefield, this is hell.

Last night, the Jinsui army spent a night building a temporary position, and everything was a cloud in front of heavy artillery and heavy aerial bombs.

The bombing went on, the shelling went on.

The soldiers of the Jinsui Army could only lie on the ground to avoid the bombing.

I hope I can survive this fierce shelling.

For the rest, they don't expect anything.They just wanted to survive and surrender to the Pingyuan Army.

They lost the courage to fight, lost the will to fight.

In Yang Aiyuan's headquarters, he is letting the correspondents start contacting the various troops on the front line.

It's just that no matter whether they use the phone or telegram, they can't contact the troops on the front line.

Yang Aiyuan sat in his command post with a face of silence, listening to the vibrations on the ground.

His headquarters was established in an underground bunker.

There is three or four meters thick soil on it, and sandbags and wood are piled on top of the soil.

It is difficult for ordinary aerial bombs to blow up this headquarters.

"Cuiya, do you think we can win?"

After a long time, Yang Aiyuan raised his head and asked Sun Chu silently.

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