At this moment, Yang Aiyuan's heart was shaken by victory.

The artillery of the Pingyuan Army is so sharp and powerful.

All kinds of heavy artillery are constantly bombarding one's own side, but what about oneself?

Although there are seven artillery brigades in name, they all know that the seven artillery brigades are all [-]mm field artillery, and the field artillery is even better, and more of them are mountain artillery.

As for howitzers and cannons with a caliber above [-], they did not have any.

Moreover, the number of artillery is said to be a brigade, but in fact it is only about one and a half artillery regiments.

The most important thing is that the number of shells is not much.

It is very troublesome to manufacture the shells of this kind of [-]mm artillery even with Shanxi's industry, and the output is not high.

The possibility of using artillery to open the way as soon as a battle like the Pingyuan Army is really not high.

"Xingru! What do you think?"

Sun Chu didn't answer Yang Aiyuan's words directly, but asked rhetorically.

Yang Aiyuan didn't answer, just sat there quietly.

He didn't know what the outcome would be, but he only knew that the situation was not going well.

There have been wars, how many troops there are, and how many guns there are are also factors that determine the war.

But when facing the Pingyuan Army, everything in the past seemed so ridiculous.

The Pingyuan Army did not have as many guns as they did, nor did they have as many people.

But their weapons are advanced, their firepower is powerful, their artillery is powerful, and they have air superiority!

"Maybe times have changed!"

After a long time, Yang Aiyuan murmured to himself.

No matter what Yang Aiyuan thought, the bombardment was still not over, and neither was the bombing.

Han Ling walked out of his headquarters, stood behind a hillside, held up his binoculars, and looked into the distance.

From such a long distance, he couldn't see the specific situation on the Jinsui Army's position, but he could see the bombs that exploded one after another.

"Good fight! Just hit me like this! Then go and send orders to each infantry regiment, so that the field artillery battalions of each infantry regiment will also join in! Give me a hard blast! Let's see how brave he, Yang Aiyuan, is to resist!"

Han Ling looked at it for a while before saying.


The field artillery battalions of the various infantry regiments are more like a reduced field artillery regiment than a field artillery battalion.

Fifteen [-]mm mountain guns and fifteen [-]mm field guns.

Thirty seven and five millimeter guns.

An infantry division has three infantry regiments, that is, three field artillery battalions.

Ninety [-]mm guns.

There are five infantry divisions besides the eighth division here.

That is, four hundred and fifty [-]mm guns.

Although the [-]mm artillery is incomparable with the artillery above [-] caliber.

But there are many of them!

Four hundred and fifty cannons are enough for the Jinsui army to drink a pot!

After Han Ling's order was issued, the bombing on the Jinsui army's position became more intense.

There is always an end to shelling. At ten o'clock in the morning, all heavy artillery regiments and heavy artillery divisions stopped shelling.

But the field artillery battalion was still shelling, and at the same time the dive bombers in the sky continued to bombard.

Yang Aiyuan originally wanted to let his own artillery brigade come out to blow up, but looking at the planes of the Pingyuan Army in the sky, he gave up this idea.

As soon as I fired the cannon here, others came.

At this time, Yang Aiyuan really felt the great reuse of the aircraft.

Sometimes you lose air supremacy, not just air supremacy, you may also lose artillery advantage.

You can't use it even if you have artillery, because once you use it, the opponent's plane will come.

The artillery unit that I worked so hard to build turned into smoke in a blink of an eye.

When the time reached eleven o'clock, the heavy artillery regiment and heavy artillery division began to bombard again, but the field artillery battalions stopped shelling.

The dive bombers in the sky did not come out either.

Han Ling just watched quietly like this, listening to the continuous sound of explosions.

At twelve o'clock at noon, after an hour of bombardment by all heavy artillery, the Pingyuan Army finally stopped all shelling.

Whether it was field artillery or heavy artillery, there was no further shelling.

The dive bombers in the sky did not appear either.

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