The Jinsui army that fought was retreating steadily, without the slightest ability to fight back.

The soldiers of the Fifth Infantry Division are now used to calling for air support and artillery support.

Once you encounter fierce resistance, turn around and call for artillery support and air support!

Under such circumstances, artillery shells and aerial bombs were still among the crowd of the Jinsui Army.

Anyway, there is no pressure on logistics now, just hit the shells hard!

The productivity of various bullets and shells is not low. Are you afraid of running out of bullets and shells?

"Mr. Yang! It's not good! The Pingyuan Army's offensive is very sharp! It has broken through the first, second, third, and fourth lines of defense of our army. It is currently advancing towards the county!"

A staff officer ran in panicked.

The news he brought broke everything in Yang Aiyuan's headquarters.

Command is quiet!It was as quiet as if a needle could be heard falling.

After a long time, Yang Aiyuan turned his head stiffly and said, "What are you talking about? The fourth line of defense has also been breached? Where did I release the two infantry divisions of the Sixth Army! There are two infantry divisions in just one hour." It was broken through before then?"

Yang Aiyuan's face was full of disbelief, and so was Sun Chu next to her!

He really couldn't believe that two infantry divisions were broken through like this?

Although the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Divisions of the Sixth Army are not the elite infantry divisions of the Jinsui Army, they can only be said to be miscellaneous troops in the Jinsui Army.

But these two infantry divisions add up to about [-] people!

In less than an hour, they ate [-] of their own people?

"Xingru! Now the Pingyuan army is advancing here, and there are no troops in front of us.

If you want to mobilize troops from behind, you can't do it without three hours!Make up your mind!Retreat to Taiyuan!

Hold Taiyuan!

As long as we wait until the Northwest Army sends troops, we will have a chance to come back! "

After taking a deep breath, Sun Chu looked at Yang Aiyuan and said.

"I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled to being defeated like this!"

Yang Aiyuan was really unwilling. The [-] army was defeated by the Pingyuan army in less than two days.

In fact, it is normal for Yang Aiyuan to lose.

Don't look at the [-] troops in his hands, but the terrain here is too narrow.

Although here to defend, very good!

But at the same time he also limited their own strength advantage.

It has an army of [-] but cannot fully deploy it.

In this case, their numerical advantage is lost.

Next is the quality of soldiers and equipment.

In these two aspects, the Jinsui Army has no advantage.

He is undefeated, who else needs to lose?

Xiaolong found a problem, it seems that the rhythm is a bit slow!

Do you think I speeded up the tempo a bit?

But I feel that military Wenla is fast-paced, as if

Chapter 92: One of the battles of Taiyuan is life and death [[-]]

"Retreat! In addition, order the second and third divisions in Gaocun Township to retreat in the direction of Taiyuan immediately, and say that we can't hold it!"

Yang Aiyuan was silent for a few minutes before giving the order with difficulty.

He knew that the current plot was like this.

With superior artillery and air power, the Pingyuan Army delivered a devastating blow to their frontline troops.

A total of five lines of defense!

Yesterday, the Pingyuan Army took down one and held the second line of defense.

Today, he took down all the lines of defense behind him.

"Report! The second division and the third division jointly sent a telegram for help!"

At this moment, the voice of a communications staff officer suddenly sounded at the door.

"What did you say? A telegram for help? From the Second and Third Divisions?"

Yang Aiyuan turned around and asked with some difficulty.

You must know that the second division and the third division are both elite units of the Jinsui Army, and the two infantry divisions add up to [-] people!

"Yes! The second division and the third division jointly sent a request for help. They were surrounded by an infantry division of the Pingyuan Army in Gaocun Township, and they were about to be annihilated!"

"Surrounded in Gaocun Township? Will be annihilated soon"

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