Yang Aiyuan's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe the news.

After staring for a few seconds, he suddenly rushed in front of the staff officer at a very fast speed, grabbed the telegram in his hand and read it.

After a few seconds, he sat down in front of his chair in a daze.

"Xing Ru!"

Sun Chu looked at Yang Aiyuan worriedly.

"Xingru! Retreat quickly! If we don't retreat, we won't be able to leave!"

Seeing Yang Aiyuan's appearance, Sun Chu couldn't help saying again.

"Retreat! Yes! Quickly! Retreat to Taiyuan immediately! Don't delay any longer!"

At this time, Yang Aiyuan hurriedly ordered his subordinates to evacuate here.

Those who burn files burn files, and those who move things move things.

"Commander! The [-]th Infantry Division sent a telegram, claiming that their attack is going very smoothly! Now it is less than six kilometers away from Yangqu County! It is about to hit Yangqu County!

In addition, the Eighth Division also sent a telegram that they had surrounded the two infantry divisions of the Jinsui Army.This is calling for those Jinsui Army to surrender. It is estimated that the two Jinsui Army infantry divisions will be eaten by us soon! "

Huang Kelin held two telegrams in his hand.

Han Ling didn't read it because it wasn't necessary.

"Very good! Order the Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, and Tenth Infantry Divisions to follow the Fifth Division immediately, and strive to reach the city of Taiyuan in one go! Destroy the Jinsui Army in one fell swoop!"

A smile appeared on Han Ling's face.


"Report! Liu Klon, Commander of the First Infantry Division, Jiang Jun sent a telegram!"

At this moment, the voice of a staff officer suddenly came from outside.

"First Infantry Division? Say what?"

Han Ling frowned. The first infantry division sent a telegram at this time, which might not be good news!

"Feng Yuxiang of the Northwest Army set off from Xi'an with [-] troops and arrived in Yulin. It is estimated that their target will land in Baode County in Fugu County. Enter Shanxi!"

"The Northwest Army dispatched [-]? Has it reached Yulin? Are they heading towards Fugu County?"

Han Ling suddenly turned around and looked at the staff officer.

"Yes! According to the telegram sent by General Liu, the Northwest Army has arrived in Yulin! It is estimated that in about three or four days, the [-] troops of the Northwest Army will reach Shenmu County.

In about two days, their vanguard will arrive in Shenmu County! "

Han Ling couldn't help frowning tightly after hearing this.

Three hundred thousand troops, this is not a small number!

Now there are only [-] troops in my hands.

There are a little over [-] here, and there are over [-] around Shenmu County.

"Order the [-]st, [-]nd, [-]rd, and [-]th Infantry Divisions to immediately retreat to Fugu County and abandon their original positions! Stick to Fugu County and never allow the Northwest Army to break through Fugu County!"

Han Ling has decided to make a strategic concession!

Since the enemy army is powerful, let him go once.As long as we defend Fugu County, the bridgehead of the Yellow River, we can fight back again!


"and many more!"

Just as the staff officer was about to deliver Han Ling's order, Han Ling stopped him.

"In addition, send a report to Guisui! Ask Guisui to send all the planes produced every day to Fugu County. To assist the ground troops there to defend, and the same is true for the heavy artillery produced.

In addition, three airships will be transferred from us, plus the airship produced in the past few days, the four airships will go all out to deliver various supplies to Fugu County!

Tell Liu Klon and the others that they must defend Fugu County, otherwise the military law will be used! "


This time the staff officer went to convey Han Ling's order.

"Marshal! The current situation is not good for us! Feng Yuxiang came here with an army of [-], and the attack is menacing!"

After the staff officer left, Huang Kelin said.

"Of course I know that! If that's the case, then we have to take down Taiyuan as quickly as possible, and then turn around and fight the Northwest Army! These two warlords are really unwilling to be lonely, lonely!"

Han Ling said helplessly.

It seems that these two warlords are really unwilling to eat themselves!

Taiyuan, Yan Baichuan's official residence!

"Mr. Yan, it's not good! We have lost! The Pingyuan Army launched a fierce attack on us with its artillery and air superiority!

At four o'clock this afternoon, the Pingyuan Army broke through all the defense lines of our army and launched an attack on Yangqu County.

Yang Aiyuan had no choice but to order the whole army to retreat!Now on the way back to Taiyuan! "

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