I have a dream. I hope that one day when the Chinese people go abroad, the passport will clearly read: Please note that this is a Chinese citizen, and behind him stands a powerful country!

Since I came to this land, I have been working hard for all these dreams.I hope to turn these dreams into reality.

However, there are always a small group of people in this world who ignore the interests of the people and continue to wage wars and expand the army for their own self-interest.To tear our country apart, to make our country weak.

Today, I am here!

I came with flour in one hand and a weapon in the other.

I hope that all the soldiers of the Jinsui Army in Taiyuan can join our big family.

come on!Soldiers of the Jinsui Army!

We have free air here, we have a good life here.

We have the hope of reviving Huaxia here!

Please don't make us put down our face and take up arms.

Here, I promise in my name, as long as you lay down your arms now, I will let the past go!When I enter the city, I will not slaughter a Shanxi native indiscriminately!

Still the same sentence, Shanxi people don’t fight Shanxi people, and I, Han Ling, am also from Shanxi. As long as you lay down your arms and liberate Taiyuan peacefully, I will give you a good life! "

Han Ling's speech undoubtedly calmed down the panic-stricken Jinsui army in the city. ,

It was like discovering a lighthouse in the dark.

The soldiers of the Jinsui Army also began to fall apart because of Han Ling's speech.

The morale that was already scarce began to slowly disappear.

Faced with this situation, Yan Baichuan in the city was like an ant on a hot pot.

But he has no choice. There are more than [-] Jinsui troops who retreated to Taiyuan City. He wants to take care of them, but how to manage the more than [-] Jinsui troops?

He couldn't help it at all.

And at this time, a letter written by Han Ling was delivered to Yan Baichuan.

In the letter, Han Ling analyzed the current situation in China from a national perspective, and then explained the current international situation.

Then he pointed out that now is China's prime time, and if China is unified at this time, it will be very beneficial to China's future development.

At the end of the letter, Han Ling sincerely invites Yan Baichuan to join the Pingyuan Army to build a new China and fight for the rise of China!

At the same time, I asked again, why should we fight each other like this because we are both from Shanxi?

Shanxi people should not beat Shanxi people!

Yan Baichuan fell silent after reading the letter.

Did not speak, did not express any opinions.

It seems that Han Lingxin's invitation has not been seen.

He locked himself in the room and saw no one.

Morning of the [-]th, [-]!

"Has that guy Yan Baichuan not replied yet?"

After Han Ling finished his breakfast, he looked at Huang Kelin and asked.

"Not yet! I guess he is stalling for time. He may still have the last illusion in his heart, and wants to wait for news from the Northwest Army!"

Huang Kelin looked at Han Ling and said.

"Wait for the Northwest Army? Hmph! My four infantry divisions are not so easy to fight! After I deal with the Jinsui Army, I will deal with the Northwest Army! I see how arrogant Feng Yuxiang will be!"

Chapter 94: One of the battles of Taiyuan to decide life and death [End]

"Since Yan Baichuan wants to procrastinate and wait for news from the Northwest Army, I will not let him wait for the news! Order the Fifth Infantry Division to launch an attack from the north gate of Taiyuan! At the same time, the air force immediately covers the ground troops to attack!"

On the morning of September 1990, [-], the fifth infantry division of the Pingyuan Army began to attack Taiyuan City.

This attack can be described as extremely smooth.

The Jinsui army in the city was originally a defeated army that was defeated from Yangqu County.

In addition to the clear-coded telegram from Han Ling yesterday and the leaflets that were constantly thrown down from the plane, these Jinsui troops had already lost their fighting spirit.

When the Fifth Infantry Division of the Pingyuan Army began to attack, the Jinsui Army at the North Gate all surrendered one after another.

Few people resisted, including many middle and lower-level officers of the Jinsui Army, who lost the will to resist.

They walked out of their bunkers holding their weapons high and surrendered to the Pingyuan Army.

It took the Fifth Infantry Division less than half an hour from launching the attack to taking the North Gate.

Later, other units of the Pingyuan Army came to receive these prisoners, while the Fifth Infantry Division continued to march into the city.

Groups of Jinsui troops raised their hands, they do not want to fight this war without the slightest hope of victory.

There are also some battalion-level units that were discovered when the Fifth Infantry Division only sent a company to attack there.

Their entire battalion surrendered to the Pingyuan Army, and many troops didn't even have the idea of ​​​​resisting.

When the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army arrived, they had already gathered their weapons and piled them up in one place, and the soldiers had already gathered together under the leadership of the officers.

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