It is common for a squad to receive a company, and a company to receive a battalion of prisoners in Taiyuan City.

The Jinsui army was defeated, and it was completely defeated.

In this way, the Fifth Infantry Division continued to advance, and the prisoners of the Jinsui Army kept walking behind.

At [-]:[-] in the morning on September [-], [-], Yan Baichuan finally went to the field after seeing that he was powerless!

At the same time, all units of the Jinsui Army were ordered to immediately lay down their weapons and surrender to the Pingyuan Army.

As soon as this telegram was sent out, the whole country was shocked!

Unexpectedly, the Jinsui Army, which had been brilliant for more than ten years, collapsed in just four or five days under the attack of the Pingyuan Army.

Two hundred thousand soldiers of the Jinsui Army became prisoners of the Pingyuan Army.

In the next few days, Han Ling began to rectify the old forces of the Jinsui Army in Taiyuan City.

At the same time, newly produced clone soldiers were drawn from Guisui.

During these six days, Guisui produced more than [-] clone soldiers.

For these soldiers, Han Ling planned to use them all to reorganize the Jinsui Army.

It is necessary to disrupt the establishment, and it is also necessary to remove the previous officers.

Anyway, Han Ling did not lack those officers below, and the talent training base was constantly training.

At the same time, Han Ling was also preparing to recruit soldiers again and mix them with those recruits.

Of course, before they were reorganized, these Jinsui troops would be rebuilt by Han Ling in the new barracks, instilling in them the ideas of the Pingyuan Army.

The nickname is: Retrain!

"Have all the materials in Taiyuan City been counted?"

Han Ling sat on a chair in the temporary camp in Taiyuan, looked at Huang Kelin who walked in and asked.

"It's all counted! There is still a lot of food. But there is not much money. In addition, there are few weapons and ammunition, which are completely wrong with ours and can't be used!"

Huang Kelin came here to report these, so he was very clear about the data, so he came here as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Those weapons and ammunition are all transported back to Sui. They will be useful in the future! The food will serve as our military rations! It can also reduce the logistical pressure.

Money!Put it there first, and wait until the Northwest Army is resolved! "

Han Ling thought for a while.

"it is good!"

"By the way! How are the prisoners of the Jinsui Army? Are there any feelings of resistance?"

"No! Very law-abiding!"

"En! That's good! You have to remember, don't be harsh on these captives. They will be used in the expansion after the Northwest Army. What we have to do now is to completely calm down and don't let them have other things. idea!"


Huang Kelin replied.

"Okay! Go down and prepare! Now the Jinsui Army has been eaten by us, but there is still a Northwest Army!"

On October [-], [-], Han Ling led the [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, and other troops of the infantry to leave Taiyuan in the west, passing through Loufan County, From Fangshan County to Kehu Town in Lin County.

Prepare to cross the Yellow River here and set foot on the land of Shaanxi.

The tenth division was sent by Han Ling to recover the southern part of Shanxi.

But what is worth mentioning here is that after Yan Baichuan was electrified and left the field, the chairman sent troops to occupy Henan, Shandong and other places, and Zhang Shaoshuai in the northeast was also ready to move, as if he wanted to enter the customs to get a share of the pie.

But now Han Ling doesn't have the energy to take care of these things. What he has to do now is to eliminate the Northwest Army.

Anyway, neither the Chairman nor the Northeast Army will attack him until he eats the Northwest Army.

The reason is simple, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

Both the chairman and the Northeast Army wanted to be the oriole, so naturally they would not do it before the Northwest Army was eaten by themselves.

He will only take action after he has eaten the Northwest Army and suffered heavy casualties, and will take himself down at the smallest cost.

Of course, these are their own ideas.

As for whether the Northwest Army will cause heavy casualties to itself!

Ha ha!

Maybe when the [-] faced the [-] Northwest Army before, there might have been heavy casualties.

But now once I gather an army of [-], the Northwest Army is definitely not my opponent in terms of weapons and equipment and the quality of soldiers.

The most important thing is that the cavalry, the sharp weapon of the Northwest Army, has been almost consumed by himself. Now Feng Yuxiang has less than [-] cavalry in his hands.

Because his cavalry first army was transferred to the south and the chairman was also consumed a lot before, and he was almost eaten at that time.

And the other cavalry units were almost consumed by themselves.

As for Ma Jiajun!

It would be good if they didn't drag Feng Yuxiang back.

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