After Han Ling received the telegram, he hurriedly read it.

After watching for a few seconds, a smile appeared on Han Ling's face.

"Hanqing! Take a look! These boys are really worrying!"

Han Ling said so, but he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

At present, there are six infantry divisions, one heavy artillery special mixed division, and one air force special mixed division in the south, with a total size of about [-].

A month ago, they had just been transferred, and they were still on the defensive.

A few days later, it was around October [-]th.

They have basically figured out the weapons and equipment of the Central Army and the direction of the troops' attack.

Not reconciled to passive defense like this.

First of all, the fourth and fifth infantry divisions entering the city began to move.

Opposite them is the Central Army of [-] people.

The Fourth and Fifth Infantry Divisions plus a Special Heavy Artillery Division and Second Special Air Force Division, with a total of more than [-] troops, brazenly launched a counterattack against the [-] Central Army on the opposite side at [-]:[-] am on the [-]th.

First of all, the heavy artillery special mixed division took the lead in shelling, and then under the cover of the air force, launched a sudden attack on them.

In one morning, the [-] Central Army was stunned by the counterattack of the two infantry divisions of the Pingyuan Army.

It took thirty miles to stabilize the front line.

It's just that the Central Army has shrunk severely at this time.

From the initial [-] to less than [-], more than [-] people were left behind.

And the fate of these people can also be imagined, a large number of Central Army surrendered to the Pingyuan Army.

This is not the most critical.

The most important thing is that most of the heavy weapons, artillery, and supplies of the Central Army are all left in the front.

These things also became the trophies of the Pingyuan Army.

The commander of the central army on the opposite side was Liu Zhi. After stabilizing the front line, he immediately sent a report to the chairman, asking for reinforcements.

And it also claimed in the telegram that the strength of the Pingyuan Army was too strong and they could not defeat it. In the middle of the process, they infinitely exaggerated the strength of the Pingyuan Army.

Then the chairman mobilized another [-] troops to go north.

Ready to support Liu Zhi, after all, he still trusts Liu Zhi.

And Liu Zhi also prepared to defend after hearing that there were reinforcements, waiting for the chairman's reinforcements.

It's just that Liu Zhi can wait for the chairman's reinforcements?

The next morning, the fourth and fifth infantry divisions, which had taken care of everything, launched an attack again.

This time the Central Army is prepared, eh!Be prepared!

But these things are all floating clouds in front of the heavy artillery!

As the rumbling heavy artillery began to sound, the already unstable morale of the Central Army once again began to decline on a large scale.

Then, as the fourth and fifth infantry divisions launched an attack, the positions built by the Central Army after a night were easily broken like a layer of plastic film.

The Central Army was once again defeated.

After the Central Plains War, these two defeats of the Central Army were the biggest defeats encountered.

And this time, the Central Army was completely defeated.

The remaining less than [-] troops collapsed after a day of fierce fighting.

Some died in battle, some surrendered, and quite a few became deserters without knowing where they went.

It is estimated that the possibility of taking off the military uniform and returning to his hometown is not small. Of course, it is also possible that he went directly to the mountains and fell into the grass as a bandit.

But no matter what, this central army, with [-] troops, two infantry divisions of the Pingyuan Army, plus a heavy artillery special mixed division and the air force, that is, more than [-] people wiped them out.

Immediately afterwards, the Fourth Infantry Division and the Fifth Infantry Division went all the way south.

In Jiaozuo, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, and Kaifeng, there is no force in the entire northern part of Henan that can block the front of the Pingyuan Army.

And just when the Fourth and Fifth Infantry Divisions began to sweep across Henan, the four infantry divisions in Xi'an and Yuncheng were unwilling to just passively defend like this.

So they also started fighting back.

Although they did not have the support of a heavy artillery division, each of their infantry divisions had a heavy artillery regiment.

In addition, after they started to counterattack, the fourth and fifth infantry divisions also supported part of their air force.

Therefore, their four infantry divisions also launched a counterattack against the [-] Central Army on the opposite side from Xi'an and Jincheng.

For a while, the chairman's troops were beaten back steadily, and within a week, the chairman's remaining [-] troops in the north were beaten to less than [-].

Those who surrendered surrendered, those who died in battle died in battle, and those who deserted became deserters.

The chairman lost [-] troops in a short time, which immediately made him feel like crying without tears.

Chapter 110: Ishihara Smiling

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