The chairman is heartbroken to death, but he also knows that now is not the time for heartache.

The Pingyuan Army continued to attack and occupy territories in Henan, Hubei and other places.

If no more reinforcements are sent up now, I am afraid that many places will be occupied by the Pingyuan Army.

However, the chairman is a little relieved that among the [-] troops, there are not many direct troops belonging to him.

Mainly his own half-line troops and some miscellaneous troops.

Now that the troops are to be transferred, the chairman has transferred [-] from his own troops, those half-line troops and those miscellaneous troops.

The [-] here plus the [-] transferred to Henan, that's [-] troops.

[-] troops, the chairman thinks it is almost enough.

And those miscellaneous troops!

The chairman of the committee is mainly the troops of the warlord factions such as the Sichuan Army, the Yunnan Army, the Guangdong Army, and the Guangxi Army!

Gui Jun was originally against him.

However, when the Central Plains War first started, the chairman was actually starting to divide and deal with the Gui army.

Who let him be so close to him?

This time to deal with the Pingyuan Army, the Chairman mobilized their troops.

With such a big move by the chairman, the big move of mobilizing hundreds of thousands of troops must not be hidden from Han Ling.

After Han Ling got the news, he immediately ordered the six infantry divisions in Henan and Hubei to stop attacking, build defensive positions, and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

After all, the Pingyuan Army's strength in the Central Plains is a bit small, only six infantry divisions.

Although he was not afraid of the Central Army, if he fought hard, the casualties would increase, which Han Ling didn't want to see.

As for the surrendered troops from the Northeast Army, the four infantry brigades transferred to Shandong, Han Ling really couldn't trust their combat power.

So it's better to be a cheerleader wherever you are.

If it is because of their defeat that the soldiers of one's own troops decline, it will not be resolved.

So after giving this order, Han Ling immediately ordered the Second, Third, and Eighth Infantry Divisions to go south to support the Fourth and Fifth Infantry Divisions.

In this way, three infantry divisions are deployed, and more than [-] people go down, and they will have about [-] troops there.

There is no need to be afraid of [-] people facing the [-] people who are the chairman of the committee.

Shake hard, shake hard!

Moreover, Han Ling could also arm the clone soldiers produced every day and send them to the front line.

After all, it has been almost a month, and tens of thousands of clone soldiers have been produced.

In addition to those reorganized, one or two infantry regiments that are completely clone soldiers can also be formed separately.

This combat power can completely fight against two or three infantry divisions of the Central Army!

At the beginning, a brigade of little devils dared to fight against an infantry division of the Central Army, so he couldn't do it himself!

But when Han Ling was about to order these troops to go south to start a war against the Nanjing government, there was a country in the world that was very uncomfortable.

This country is the little devil in the east.

If there is any country in the world that doesn't want to see the unification of China, it must be the little devils in the east!

Since the Central Plains War half a year ago, the little devil has been paying attention to the intelligence inside China.

When the Central Plains War broke out in Huaxia, they immediately smiled, as if they had encountered some great good thing.

Then, during the Great War in the Central Plains, another small warlord suddenly broke out in Suiyuan Province in China.

Although the little warlord was not very strong at the time, the little devil still felt very happy.

Because they feel that China is more chaotic.

For them, the more chaotic China is, the happier they are.

But just when they thought that the situation in China would become more and more chaotic, there was a big turning point.

Originally they thought it was just a small warlord, and the Pingyuan Army, which could only make China more chaotic, showed an extremely strong side after returning from the army.

The first is to fight against the Jinsui Army.

In a very short period of time, the Jinsui army was wiped out, and Yan Baichuan was sent to the wild to become a foolish old man.

Then came the Northwest Army.

First to show the enemy's weakness, then Han Ling led the main force of the army across the Yellow River from Kehu Town, and began to attack the Northwest Army from front to back.

In the Battle of Shenmu County, the main force of the Northwest Army was annihilated, and Feng Yuxiang committed suicide by drinking a bullet.

By this time, the little devil's people felt that something was wrong.

This change is too fast!

And the direction of this change is not following their routine at all!

The Pingyuan Army, which was originally thought to be just a small warlord, suddenly emerged, and successively destroyed the Jinsui Army and the Northwest Army.

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