Don't forget, the daily output of manual rifles is also [-].

In addition to the manual rifles replaced by those infantry divisions, it was completely overkill.

There are many.

As for the recruits recruited, it will take three months to train them out.

What gun do you use for training during training?

Don't worry about it!

There are a lot of weapons and ammunition seized before, so many that they are about to rust.

The Jinsui Army has hundreds of thousands of people, the Northwest Army has hundreds of thousands of people, and the Northeast Army has hundreds of thousands of people!

The weapons of more than one million people are not enough for the training of [-] people?

After Han Ling did all this, he still wanted to thank the little devil from the bottom of his heart.

This little devil is a fool!

I was having a headache about how to completely accept the Northeast, but they sent me a pillow.

I can take advantage of this opportunity to completely reorganize the Northeast Army and insert my clone soldiers into it.

To achieve the purpose of completely converting these soldiers into their own soldiers.

As for those industrial bases in the Northeast, I can also take this opportunity to control them!

Chapter 113: Peace talks between Han and Jiang [Part [-]]

While Han Ling was actively preparing to fight against Japan, countless demonstrations broke out in those big cities in China.

Since 1840, China has been bullied by those great powers.

There is a flame of anger in the heart of every Chinese person with a conscience.

Now that the Pingyuan army broke out that the little devil was going to attack China, those newspapers even published pictures of Ishihara Waner taking the train to Peiping, and then publishing pictures of Peiping.

In Huaxia, no one doubted Han Ling's words.

They are all angry.

Ask the chairman to stop the war and resist the aggression of the little devils.

In the face of demonstrations in major cities, the chairman had to carefully consider the next military action.

At this time, Han Ling also ordered the Pingyuan Army in Henan and Hubei to guard according to the Huaihe River, and not let the Central Army of the Nanjing government step across the Huaihe River.

When Han Ling gave these orders, he also asked Ya Siqi to form all the heavy artillery produced into a heavy artillery regiment.

Fighters and dive bombers produced at the same time began to form separate armies.

The first and second special mixed divisions of the Air Force were adapted again.

The dive bombers inside were stripped out, and the dive bombers produced together formed three 28 bombing brigades.

And the two air divisions have finally become pure fighters, which is more convenient for the next combat operation.

At the same time, the airship transportation force was organized into nine transportation teams by Han Ling.

Each transport team is equipped with three airships.

After such adaptation, it can facilitate the distribution of logistics and transportation forces in the next step.

Han Ling was making preparations for the big battle, and the little devil was also making preparations.

To be precise, the little devil's army is making preparations.

The little devil's prime minister Yuyuki Hamaguchi and some officials in his government are opposed to launching a war now, which undoubtedly completely annoyed the little devil's military department.

The two sides quarreled more than once in the imperial meeting.

This also made the little devil's military department make up their minds and decided to kill Yuyuki Hamaguchi and support a prime minister who supported the war to come to power.

So they began to arrange it secretly.

When Han Ling and the little devil were busy, the chairman of the committee in Nanjing also had a headache.

Many people below wanted to resist the little devil's attack and stop the war with the Peace and Yuan Army, which made it difficult for him to make a choice.

For this reason, he specially held a military meeting in Nanjing, attended by He Yingqin, Gu Zhutong, Zhang Zhizhong and others.

In addition, there were Bai Chongxi, Li Zongren and others who were specially recalled by the chairman.

"Now all over the country are calling for an end to the civil war and a joint resistance against Japan! What do you think?"

The forty-three-year-old chairman sat at the head, looked at the generals below and said.

No one spoke below.

If you say to stop the civil war and fight against Japan together, you have to let go of the great enemy of the Pingyuan Army.

Since the last time the Pingyuan Army ate up their [-] troops and only some officers ran back, the Pingyuan Army has become their archenemy.

Letting go of the Ping Yuan army like this is putting eye drops on the Chairman!

But if you talk about continuing the civil war, it doesn't matter whether it is anti-Japanese or not.

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