But this is going to be called a traitor by those people. Everyone shouts and beats them when they go to the streets.

So where are the people below pretending to be dumb!

Regarding their reaction, the chairman naturally understood why this happened.I can only curse Niang Xipi inwardly.

"Respectful! What do you think?" After looking around, the Chairman turned his head to look at the first person sitting on the right - He Yingqin.

He Yingqin could only smile bitterly in his heart when he was called himself.He knew he couldn't escape.

"Committee! I think we must be on guard against the Pingyuan Army, and we must resist the little devils!"

"Oh? You mean we fight both sides at the same time?"

The chairman asked calmly.

"Of course not! We can superficially agree to the demands of the people, stop the civil war, and resist the little devils.

But in fact, we can implement false tactics to attack Guo.Ask the Pingyuan Army to make way for us to send troops, and then say that in order to ensure our logistics, those places must be garrisoned by us. "

After He Yingqin's words, the Chairman gave him a complicated look.

The Nanjing government and the Suiyuan military government are in the same situation, but this does not mean that the chairman does not know the righteousness of the country, and does not know that he is still a Chinese.

The chairman always remembers that he is still a Chinese.

The war with the Pingyuan Army is a civil war.

In the civil war, no matter how they fight, they are all Chinese.

Whether the world fell into the hands of his chairman or Han Ling, it was still in the hands of the Huaxia people.

But if it falls into the hands of the little devil, it will be a matter of subjugation.

How to choose, he already had some ideas in his mind.

To be honest, he was really moved by the plan proposed by He Yingqin.

But his rationality told him that once this happened, if the Pingyuan Army was defeated, he would be condemned by the people and his reputation would be completely ruined.

But now, he also has some different views on He Yingqin.

"What if the Pingyuan Army is defeated and the Northeast, North China, and Northwest fall into the hands of little devils?"

Although the chairman had an idea in his heart, he didn't say it, but asked.

"No! The world is suffering from an economic crisis right now, and the little devil is no exception.

Their economy does not allow them to wage war!So I think it's just a little devil's bluff, or the Pingyuan army released a smoke bomb!The reason is to make us stop attacking! "

This time everyone understood what He Yingqin meant.

I think the possibility of the little devil attacking is very small, so small that you can choke to death from drinking a glass of water.

But what He Yingqin said was indeed reasonable.Their economy is already very difficult, if they launch the war machine, a money-burning thing, can they bear it?

And He Yingqin's words also made the Chairman feel relaxed.

After all, He Yingqin is his confidant, and he doesn't want He Yingqin to be a person who is indifferent to the country and only cares about the meat in his own bowl.

"Okay! Regardless of whether the little devils enter China or not, the civil war must stop! We lost [-] troops last time, which has already hurt our vitality! Since the whole country wants to stop the civil war and resist foreign captives , then we can take this opportunity to recover, and we can talk about dealing with the Pingyuan Army when our strength recovers!"

Chapter 114: Peace talks between Han and Jiang [Part [-]]

Now that the chairman of the big boss has made a decision, the people below naturally have no objections and follow the chairman's wishes.

Then a telegram to stop the civil war and resist foreign captives was sent from the official residence of the leader in Nanjing to Xiyuan in Beiping.

"Commander! Look, the Nanjing government has sent a telegram of peace talks, claiming that they are willing to put aside all prejudices and join hands with us to resist the attack of the little devils!"

Huang Kelin walked into the hall of the temporary headquarters of the Pingyuan Army with a telegram.

At this moment, Han Ling was giving various orders inside.

Since you want to fight the little devil, you have to fight with Huaxia's prestige.

This needs to be prepared!

Naturally, there are also many!

After Han Ling listened to it, he took the telegram. Zhang Hanqing, who was standing aside, looked at Han Ling, wanting to know what the Chairman said.

Han Ling watched silently, and then put down the message.

"Kelin! Send a report to Guisui, telling them to prepare to transfer the administrative center! In the next period of time, our administrative center will be transferred to Beiping!"


Huang Kelin didn't ask why, and turned around to carry out the order.

Zhang Hanqing looked at Han Ling with a puzzled expression. He didn't understand why Han Ling gave such an order after reading the telegram.

Looking at Zhang Hanqing's expression, he knew that he really wanted to know.

Han Ling smiled lightly and said, "The Nanjing government wants to negotiate peace with us, but his tone doesn't sound like peace talks, he just pretends that he is the orthodox central government.

This made Han Ling unhappy.

There is also a Suiyuan local government in it.

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