This is like saying: You are just a local government, and my Nanjing government is the orthodox central government.

And Han Ling's intention to transfer the administrative center is also very clear!

That is to set up a provisional government to form a political confrontation with the Nanjing government.

One Peking, one Nanjing!Ha ha!interesting!

The Nanjing government has the intention of peace talks, and Han Ling also has the intention of peace talks.

The Nanjing government wants to restore its strength. When the strength is restored, the troops have also changed their equipment, and they will deal with the Pingyuan Army after their strength increases.

And Han Ling's idea is to overthrow the little devil first, and then turn around to deal with the Nanjing government.

In this way, one's own energy will be sufficient, and there will be no shortage of troops.

After all, Huaxia is so big, you still need to send troops to garrison after you defeat it!

All of these require a large number of troops.

In the following period of time, the administrative center of the Suiyuan military government began to transfer to Beiping.

And Han Ling is also constantly communicating with the Nanjing government by telegram.

November [-], [-].

Just as the little devil's army was formulating a plan to assassinate Yuyuki Hamaguchi, and when Han Ling and the chairman were about to reach an agreement, the administrative center of the Suiyuan military government finally moved to Beiping.

The administrative heavy can be moved away so quickly, thanks to the help of the airship.

Many things were transported by airships.

People come here by car.

In addition, the Suiyuan military government has not been established for a long time, and the organization is not bloated, so it moved here soon.

It was November [-], [-], two days after the administrative relocation.

After two days of preparation, Han Ling issued a clear-coded telegram to the outside world.

The provisional military government of China was established, and Han Ling served as the commander-in-chief of the army, navy and air force of the provisional government of China and the head of the provisional government of China.

Commander of the Chinese Provisional Government under the command of the Army, Navy and Air Force Commander and everything of the Chinese Provisional Government.

On November [-], [-], Han Ling reached a peace agreement with the Chairman of the General Assembly.

On November [-]th, Han Ling and the chairman arrived at Xinyang City, Henan Province, where they signed an armistice agreement.

Xinyang, inside the city government building!

"Chairman of the Military Committee of the Nanjing Government and Chairman of the National Congress Chairman Jiang has arrived!"

"The commander-in-chief of the Huaxia Provisional Military Government's three armies, the leader Han Ling has arrived!"

Although Han Ling is only 22 years old and the chairman is forty-three, almost forty-four years old, it can be said that the chairman is twice as old as Han Ling, but the two seem to have a tacit understanding.

They arrived at the same time.

With the arrival of the two of them and their government officials, the hall of the city hall, which was originally few people, was suddenly full of people.

However, there were no people within a meter or two around the chairman and Han Ling, leaving room for them.

Seeing Han Ling being so young, the chairman couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he was young and promising.

Although the chairman regards Han Ling as an enemy, it does not prevent him from admiring Han Ling's youth and promise.

At the age of 22, he actually owns half of China.

Now all of Henan and a part of Hubei are under his rule, and Han Ling can be said to truly control half of China.

"This is a peace agreement, please review it with Han Shuai and the Chairman!"

Han Ling and the chairman sat opposite each other, neither of them spoke.

He Yingqin and Huang Kelin exchanged the documents they printed out.

Han Ling picked up the file and looked it over carefully, and put the file on the table after confirming that it was normal.

The same goes for the Chairman.

Then Han Ling and the chairman took out their pens and began to sign the documents.

Although this is just an armistice agreement.

But it involves a lot of content.

First of all, the first article, the Huaihe River is the boundary between the Huaxia Provisional Government and the Nanjing Government, and the two sides are not allowed to cross the Huaihe River.The north of the Huaihe River is governed by the Huaxia Provisional Government, and the south of the Huaihe River is governed by the Nanjing Government.

In areas such as Hubei, the actual occupied area is used as the boundary.

The two sides were in the contact area, and each retreated thirty miles.It is not allowed to garrison a single soldier within [-] miles of the boundary area.Except, of course, the police force.But the security forces are not allowed either.

If there are bandits in this area, the troops sent to suppress the bandits shall not exceed the strength of a battalion.

This is the first article.

Then the second article, in order to meet the needs of the War of Resistance, divides China into two major regions.

That is, Huaibei Theater and Huainan Theater.

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