I will not even agree to use the labor fruits of our compatriots to fill the finances of that garbage country!

So I decided to resist!

Hundreds of thousands of Pingyuan troops are already on standby.

In the face of rampant little devils, I will never show mercy!

At the same time, I want to tell those Orientals that China is no longer the China it used to be.

Gone are the days when China could be threatened with just a few cannons!

Once again, I hope that all compatriots can join hands with us to drive the little devils from the east into the sea!Defend our homeland!

Great Chinese people!Let's fight together! "




Han Ling disseminated through the radio station throughout the area north of the Huaihe River.

Countless people began to stand up and shout war, supporting Han Ling's decision.

Use war to defeat the little devils, they will no longer be that cowardly people!

Han Ling's speech was also spread across the country through newspapers.

Whether it is under the rule of the Nanjing government or under the provisional government of China.

Countless college students, patriots, and progressive youths took to the streets to support Han Shuai's decision to use war to solve the problem.

At the same time, Han Ling's declaration of war drifted across the South China Sea and reached the ears of the Chinese in Nanyang.

Then a huge Nanyang delegation set off for Peiping with huge donations.

The overseas Chinese in Nanyang have always been concerned about the development of the motherland and everything about the motherland.

They sincerely hope that the motherland can become stronger.

Regardless of the reaction from the outside world, after Han Ling issued a declaration to Japan, the army began to act quickly.

The little devil's guards on the South Manchurian Railway retreated steadily under the attack of the [-]th Infantry Division, and finally had to evacuate on a warship in Lushun.

At this time, on the border between China and North Korea, the Pingyuan Army and the little devils were also at war, looking like they were about to fight at any time.

Under such circumstances, Han Ling immediately set up a forward headquarters!

"Come on! Pass my order and immediately set up the forward headquarters! Appoint Liu Kron, the commander of the First Infantry Division, as the commander-in-chief, Zheng Daxing, the commander of the Fourth Division, Wang Chenggang, the commander of the Fifth Division, as the deputy commander-in-chief, and Huang Ke, the commander of the Second Infantry Division, as the chief of staff. Li Longke, commander of the third division, is the deputy chief of staff. He is responsible for commanding the frontline troops!"

Han Ling gave such an order coldly.

Although he really wanted to go to the front line to command directly, he knew that now he was no longer the small warlord with tens of thousands or more than [-] troops.

Now he is the leader of half of China, and he is the commander-in-chief of hundreds of thousands of Pingyuan soldiers.He wants to sit in Beiping to control the overall situation and stabilize the political situation!Don't destabilize the rear because of the war on the front.

As for the little devil, he appointed Domen Erlang, the head of the Second Division, as the commander-in-chief of the front line to take charge of the overall situation.

Following the orders from Han Ling and the little devil, the frontline commanders of both sides immediately established a headquarters on the frontline, ready to go to war.

December [-], [-], Fengtian Province, Fengcheng, Pingyuan Army Frontline Command!

"Huang Ke! Are all the troops on the front line ready? Is the pontoon and bridge troops on standby?"

Although Liu Klonn is almost the same as ordinary humans.But some of his main characters can't be changed.

"All are on standby! All troops are fully in place!"

Chief of Staff Huang Ke said.

"Have you figured out the deployment of the enemy's troops?"

Liu Klonn didn't have many words, but each one hit the point directly.

"The main force of the Japanese army is concentrated on the line of Yongchuan, Sinuiju, and Uiju. Their seven divisions did not build defensive positions. According to our prediction, they should want to cross the river to attack! At the same time, their air force For a few days, they also conducted reconnaissance over the Yalu River.

If it weren't for our air force to drive them away, they would all have come to our frontline positions to investigate! "

Huang Ke picked up his baton and gestured on the map.

"The little devils don't build defensive positions! Are they so confident?"

After listening to Huang Ke's words, Wang Cheng couldn't help asking with some doubts.

"It's normal! Little devils are arrogant. In their hearts, we are not worthy to be their opponents.

And their army learned from the German army, it can only attack, not defend!In their hearts, the best defense is offense.

So they don't build perfect fortifications in many cases! "

Huang Ke solved Wang Chenggang's doubts for him.

"Okay! Regardless of whether the little devil wants to attack or defend, the heavy artillery will take the lead in shelling tomorrow morning! After they are blinded, our troops will start attacking from Sinuiju! Remember the words of the commander! We must show our prestige. We must defeat the little devils army in the shortest possible time!"

Liu Klon's words also meant Han Ling's.

During this period, the fighting power of the little devils was still very high, but their weapons and equipment were very poor.

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