Historically, the weapons and equipment of the little devils began to be replaced on a large scale after they occupied the Northeast and relied on the mineral resources in the Northeast and the Fengtian Arsenal.

Now they lack not only resources, but also the economy.

Over the years, they have been constantly cutting military expenditures. Yuyuki Hamaguchi even cut [-] million at once, which shows how tight their finances are.

Now is the time when the economic crisis is at its worst. It stands to reason that if you want to defeat the little devil, you can drag him down if you delay with him.

Why did Han Ling end the battle as quickly as possible?

The purpose is to show the prestige of China!In order to play the self-confidence of the Chinese people!

Chapter 119: Shelling

December [-], [-], seven o'clock in the morning!

December is still winter.

At this time, it was already snowing in the Northeast, the ground was covered with thick snow, and the Yalu River had also frozen over.

Liu Klonn asked Huang Ke to prepare the pontoon bridge force not to build a bridge, but to solve the problem of slippage on the ice of the Yalu River.

Liu Klonn, Huang Ke, Li Longke, Wang Chenggang, and Zheng Daxing, the main leaders of the frontline headquarters, are now making final preparations before the shelling.

According to the plan, the bombardment would take place half an hour later, at half past seven.

Two heavy artillery divisions, plus six heavy artillery regiments, can be said to be the shelling of almost four heavy artillery divisions, which is definitely enough for a kid to drink a pot.

And the first breakthrough point that Liu Klonn is preparing for is Sinuiju. Compared with other places, it is better to break through here.

Although the ninth division of the little devil is stationed here, in Yizhou, the little devil also has an eleventh division.

And in Yongchuan next to Sinuiju, there is also the Tenth Division of the Little Devils.

But this does not change the existence of Liu Klonn as a breakthrough point from here.

At [-]:[-], the two heavy artillery divisions and the six heavy artillery regiments were all ready and were doing the final inspection.

Maybe God knew that the Pingyuan army was going to attack the little devil today, so it was rare that there was no more snow.

"Target, enemy camp!"

"Ruler, three hundred and fifteen!"

"Direction, zero zero seven to the left!"

"Add three to the height!"

"Refill the bomb, delay the activation of the fuze high-explosive bomb!"



The sound of a sound of firing resounded through the heavy artillery artillery positions of the Pingyuan Army.




The heavy artillery was fired.

In this snowy day, the vibration of the heavy artillery directly shattered everything.

The snow on the artillery positions was directly blown up by the power of the heavy artillery.

Floating around like a celestial maiden scattered flowers.

At this time, the little devil camp

Heavy artillery shells came with a whistling sound. They never thought that the Huaxia army would dare to attack them.

They also don't think Huaxia's army has the guts to attack them.

So at this time they are still thinking about when their troops will attack.

And they are also seizing the last time to have fun here.

For example, during this period of time, many North Korean women were arrested by them in the military camp.

"Mr. Komura! How did that North Korean woman feel last night? I heard that several warrant officers are going to go!"

A devil soldier with the rank of warrant officer looked at the devil soldier with the same rank and said.

A warrant officer, in the devil army, is usually a military officer, so it can be said that he is a small officer.

"Yoshi! Last night I spent half the night with Iijima-kun, and I feel like my waist is about to break!"

The ghost soldier named Xiaocun rubbed his waist with a smile on his face.

"Wow! Komura-kun is dead!"

"Baga! Who said I can't do it! I"

The person named Xiaocun was about to say something, but suddenly felt that he seemed to hear the sound of a train.

"Muramasa-kun! Did you hear the sound of a train? Why is there a train here?"

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