They take everything you said to heart, but they are just the kind of people who are not good at expressing their feelings!

So Wang Chenggang wasn't angry either, he knew Liu Klon had listened.

Since there is no reply yet, it means that he thinks the timing is a little bit close.

After another ten minutes, Liu Klon raised his head and said: "It's almost the same now! Let Yang Qing's Ninth Infantry Division go up!"

"Okay! That boy Yang Qing has been clamoring for the main attack before the battle. He said that in the previous battle, their Ninth Infantry Division didn't even have a sip of soup. This time, the main attack will be handed over to their Ninth Infantry Division. I don't know. This kid is unreliable!"

Zheng Daxing couldn't help showing a smile on his face when he mentioned Yang Qing.

In the previous battle, his fourth division teamed up with Wang Chenggang's infantry division to defeat the [-] troops of the Nanjing government.

And the quality of his soldiers has also been greatly improved in this frequent battle.

Now his fourth division can be regarded as an elite unit of the Pingyuan Army.

"Yang Qing is a reliable kid. Even the commander-in-chief said that this kid is resolute and brave in battle, but his temper is a bit violent. But he can be called a fierce general! Let him play the vanguard, just right!"

Wang Chenggang and the others still have a good impression of Yang Qing.

In Tongxing Town, the Ninth Infantry Division is attacking the position!

Opposite here is Sinuiju in North Korea.It is also the target of their attack.

"Master seat! The order is down! The front finger sent a telegram, let us launch an attack on the Japanese army in ten minutes! We must defeat them in the shortest possible time!"

A confidential officer ran up to Yang Qing.

Yang Qing, very young!

22 years old this year!

About the same age as Han Ling.He is not a descendant of the Jinsui Army or the Northwest Army.

He was a small farmer before.

To be able to go from a small farmer to the position of major general and division commander in one year is entirely due to this kid's family background.

Although he was a farmer, his father was a private school teacher.

It can be said that he is fluent in writing and ink, and he has also learned to read and write since he was a child.

Later, when I grew up slowly, I also started to work in the fields and take care of the house.

The Suiyuan military government was established and soldiers were recruited, and this kid joined the army with enthusiasm.

He likes to watch Romance of the Three Kingdoms since he was a child, and he has a kind of inner admiration for the fierce generals such as Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei in it.

This is also one of the reasons why he has developed a strong character.

After joining the army, relying on the advantages of being able to read and write, and the kid's quick brain response.

In the Pingyuan Army, he climbed steadily and was promoted very quickly.

So now he is a major general of the Pingyuan Army!

"Ten minutes? Good! Send the order, and the troops are ready to attack! I must defeat the little devil on the other side!"

This kind of people who have read books and are literate are better than some people.

If those big bosses are rough, I'm afraid they will talk to each other.

However, this kid was not like this under his father's teaching since he was a child.

Eight fifty in the morning!

Yang Qing looked at the time, it was already time.

"Order the troops to attack!"

Following Yang Qing's order, the Ninth Infantry Division began to approach the Yalu River.

At the same time, the artillery fire of the Heavy Artillery Division also began to extend its coverage.

The back of the little devil was covered with artillery fire, and dive bombers appeared in the sky.

They were the air force that took off from Fengcheng, and they came to cover the attack of the frontline ground troops.

And just after the heavy artillery division of the Pingyuan Army extended its shelling.

Kenkichi Ueda, the commander of the Ninth Division, immediately reacted.

"Immediately send a report to each regiment! Let them immediately organize their troops and prepare to resist the attack of the Pingyuan Army! Their shelling has begun to extend, which means that their ground troops are about to launch an attack!"

Regarding infantry and artillery coordinated operations, many domestic warlord officers do not understand what this means.

But the little devil is clear and knows that the extension of the shelling means that the ground troops have begun to attack.


The communications staff went out soon.

Kenkichi Ueda looked at the map in his underground bunker headquarters.

So far he doesn't know what the casualties of his troops are.

But he knew that now was not the time to count casualties.

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