The sudden attack of the Pingyuan Army caught him by surprise.

Now we can only defend immediately, block the attack of Pingyuan Army first, and then talk about counterattack!

At this time, the Ninth Infantry Division of the Pingyuan Army was already at war with the Japanese army.

But the place where the battle took place was not in the little devil's camp, but on the Yalu River.

The Yalu River is frozen over, and it is no problem for people to trample on it.

But the ice layer could not withstand the shelling of heavy artillery.

So the shelling just now was violent, but no shells fell on the Yalu River.

This also resulted in the little devils on guard here not being bombed.

And now the Pingyuan Army is fighting the little devil on the ice.

"Quick! Hurry up and call! Otherwise, the little devil will blow up the ice!"

Ren Fei, the first battalion commander of the First Regiment of the Ninth Infantry Division, was waving a pistol and shouting loudly.

Now not only Ren Fei, but also the other commanders of the Ninth Infantry Division are also afraid that the little devil will suddenly blow up the ice, and then they will be finished.

So we must take down the position of the little devil on the opposite side as quickly as possible.

In fact, what they didn't know was that the little devil would never blow up the ice layer.

They believed that it was impossible for the Pingyuan Army to break through their positions.

And after the reinforcements from the rear arrived, they would still use this ice layer to cross the river.

How do you say they would blow up the ice?

But it's dangerous to fight on it!

Chapter 121: The Showdown of Will [[-]]

"Grenade! Suppress enemy firepower!"

Because of fighting on the river, there were too many scruples, and the progress was slow. Ren Fei was afraid that he would be blocked on the river because of too many scruples, so that the little devil's reinforcements would arrive, so he decided to use the grenade after thinking twice.

The accuracy rate of this thing is very high, and it will not easily destroy the ice layer.

Immediately after Ren Fei finished speaking, several soldiers who were very good at playing grenadiers immediately started firing grenadiers.

This thing belongs to individual equipment, and the launch is very simple and fast.

It didn't take long before several grenade grenades were launched towards the little devil's position by the river.

"Quick! Break through the little devil's position immediately!"

After Ren Fei finished speaking, he led his people to rush up while the little devil was suppressed by the grenade.

"Very good! Is this Ren Fei from the First Regiment and First Battalion? Very good! When this battle is over, I will personally ask the commander for credit for him!"

Yang Qing, the commander of the Ninth Infantry Division at the back, saw through the binoculars that Ren Fei was about to break through the little devil's defense, and immediately said with a smile on his face.

Under the continuous suppression of the grenade, the little devil's position in front of Ren Fei was quickly broken through.

I have to say that the little devil's will to fight is indeed very strong.

If the warlord troops of the Jinsui Army were breached in their own position, and the number of the enemy was far greater than that of their own, they might think about fleeing.

But the little devil didn't, and he fought hand-to-hand with the Ninth Infantry Division with a bayonet in his hand.

It is said that there will be a raging general, and a raging nest of soldiers.

Yang Qing is resolute and brave in battle.His soldiers were the same as him.

He is brave in battle and has a resolute character, which has completely imitated Yang Qing's character.

The current Ninth Infantry Division is really inferior to the little devil in terms of stabbing ability, this has to be admitted.

If it is the five infantry divisions in front, there is no need to be afraid of them. If you fight with bayonets, you will fight with bayonets. Who is afraid of whom!If you don't accept it, just do it!

After all, the five infantry divisions now have the ability to attack individually.

However, the Ninth Infantry Division can't beat the little devil in a fight, but their fighting will and weapons and equipment are much better than the little devil.

Semi-automatic rifles are not vegetarian.

Don't forget, what was Han Ling's instruction for this battle?

Beat the little devil as fast as possible.

That's why they don't fight bayonets with little devils!

right!Don't fight bayonets with little devils, use bullets to solve problems.

You are good at fighting bayonets, but can you be better than bullets?

Fifteen rounds of magazines can ensure the continuity of firepower.

A little devil fell to the ground unwillingly.

The reality of melee combat is nothing like what the kid is taught in boot camp.

These Pingyuan troops didn't play their cards according to common sense at all, and they were directly solved by bullets.

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