There are not many little devils guarding this section of the river.

Just a brigade!

After the Ninth Infantry Division quickly broke through their positions, they rushed towards Sinuiju.

"Very good! Send a report to the front finger! We have successfully broken through the front of the river in Sinuiju and are rushing to Sinuiju. Request the former finger to dispatch troops to support, so that we can continue to attack!"

After seeing the breakthrough, Yang Qing asked for reinforcements.

Fengcheng, the frontline headquarters of the Pingyuan Army!

"The Ninth Infantry Division has sent a telegram! They have successfully crossed the Yalu River and are now rushing to Sinuiju! They are asking for reinforcements to continue the attack!"

Huang Ke walked in with a telegram and said.

"Old Liu! I think it's okay! Mobilize the little devil first! Then let the third infantry division of Jiulian town break into the little devil's Yizhou from somewhere. Or let the seventh infantry division of Dandong break into Yongchuan! Ours There are more troops than the little devils, and they can be used!"

Wang Chenggang heard Huang Ke's words, looked at Liu Klon and said.

"I think it's okay to let Dandong's Seventh Infantry Division break into Yongchuan! But we need to take Sinuiju first! Otherwise, the little devil won't be mobilized by us!"

Liu Klonn was also looking at the map.

The little devil gathered seven divisions, more than [-] people were on the bank of the Yalu River, and it was obviously impossible for his own side to eat them all in one bite.

Just eat them one bite at a time.

That being the case, the only way to mobilize them is to mobilize them.Then eat them slowly.

"En! I think so too. But in this way, the [-]th Infantry Division of Wang Gan can go to Sinuiju for reinforcements. In this way, the little devil must mobilize the troops around him to support, and on both sides of Sinuiju, that is, Yizhou and The troops from these two places in Yongchuan are gone!"

Zheng Daxing and the others are expressing their own opinions.

"Okay! If that's the case, let Wang Gan's [-]th Infantry Division go up to reinforce the [-]th Division, and defeat the little devil's [-]th Division as soon as possible.

If the little devils reinforce quickly, we can break in from Yongchuan or Yizhou.

If the speed is slow, and we only come after defeating the Ninth Division of the Little Devils, then we can take this opportunity to break in directly from Sinuiju! "

Liu Klon made up his mind.

This line of defense, because of the Pingyuan Army's first attack, the initiative has been in the hands of the Pingyuan Army.

No matter how the little devil mobilizes troops, he will break into North Korea anyway.

Unless the ninth division of the little devil can block the attack of the two infantry divisions of the Pingyuan army with the strength of one division.

Sinuiju, inside the little devil's camp!

At this time, a one-sided battle is taking place in the little devil's camp!

After crossing the Yalu River, the Ninth Infantry Division rushed directly to the little devil's camp.

The little devil who just endured a bombing is still packing up the camp.

There were corpses everywhere in the camp, and many weapon parts were randomly scattered on the ground.

Flames are still burning in many places.

And some of the wooden houses built in the camp were also blown to pieces.

Just as the little devil was cleaning up the battered camp, the Ninth Infantry Division arrived.

They come with death.

But the little devil's will to fight is really not covered!This is not flattering the little devil.

But their will to fight is really strong.

Other armies, even European and American armies, have just suffered heavy bombing.

Many weapons and equipment were blown to pieces, and when the situation was very tragic, they would turn around and run away or raise their hands.

But the little devil didn't.

They found the nearest weapon by their side, and rushed forward without hesitation to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Pingyuan Army!

kindness!They thought it was a hand-to-hand battle, but during the process, the Pingyuan Army told them that this was not a hand-to-hand battle, but a one-sided defeat!

Chapter 122: The Showdown of Will [[-]]

This is a duel of bayonets and bullets!

This is a duel between cold weapons and hot weapons.

The cold bayonet may stab into the body of the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army.

But the hot bullets will hit their bodies accurately.

The small devils with a small land area and scarce resources may be able to develop automatic weapons and equip them.

But they can't afford the massive consumption of ammunition.

The Bushido spirit they advocate may be able to stop the Pingyuan Army for a little longer, but it will definitely not be able to fight the Pingyuan Army with automatic weapons.

One after another, the little devil soldiers fell to the ground.

They may not be very old, only in their twenties.

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