"Hanqing, what's wrong with you? Why do I see your frown? What happened?"

As soon as Han Ling walked into the hall of the headquarters, he saw Zhang Hanqing sitting on a chair with a sad face. It seemed that he had encountered some troubles.

"Hey! It's nothing, there are some troubles!"

"Trouble? What's the matter? Don't you encounter any unsolvable things?"

Han Ling looked at Zhang Hanqing curiously.

"Hey! Family matters! My little sister's affairs! Forget it, don't mention it!"

Zhang Hanqing didn't say what he said.This incident is indeed troublesome. It has been more than three years since he received it, but his sister still hasn't recovered. Thinking of this incident, he wanted to drag that family of idiots out and shoot them, but unfortunately they died!

"That's right! If you don't talk about it, it's fine! But if there is something that can't be solved, just tell us! Could it be that there are so many people here that we can't solve it?"

Han Ling smiled lightly.

This is true, if so many people here can't solve it, then it's nonsense!

"Okay, let's not talk about this! Marshal, I heard that there was a telegram from the front line last night. What did they say?"

Zhang Hanqing rubbed his face and said.

"Here! Take a look! Most of the little devils have been mobilized now! There are still two divisions that have not been mobilized.

Liu Klonn's plan is to send another infantry division to Sinuiju today, open a gap from Sinuiju, and then let other infantry divisions use Sinuiju as a breakthrough to enter North Korea and outflank the other troops of the little devils. Form a large encirclement circle on the periphery! "

Zhang Hanqing took the telegram and read it while listening to Han Ling.

"It seems that the initiative of the war is already in our hands."

A look of joy appeared on Zhang Hanqing's face. He didn't expect the situation to progress so quickly. One day after the start of the war, his side had the initiative in the war!

Chapter 126: Comprehensive Strike [[-]]


As soon as Zhang Hanqing's voice fell, Han Ling shook his head and said.

Walking to the map, looking at the huge map of China, he said: "It seems that the initiative of the war is in our hands, but in fact this is just an illusion, or it can be changed at any time!

Now we are fighting this war on the border between China and North Korea. So far, the initiative is indeed in our hands.

But don't forget, we have one of the biggest shortcomings - the navy! "

Han Ling looked at the map and said with burning eyes.

When he said this, a sore spot flashed in Han Ling's eyes.

The Huaxia Navy has been in a state of existence in name only since the Sino-Japanese War.

There is simply no way to engage in a sea battle with the little devil.

Even someone else driving a heavy cruiser can make one's own side feel like an enemy.

Fortunately, the former Northeast Navy is now under his command.

After the fourth level of the information base, not only tanks will come out.

The naval manufacturing base is also coming out.Then the navy can be developed.


After Han Ling said this, Zhang Hanqing also fell silent.


He was almost knocked out just now.

Now the initiative of the war is indeed in the hands of one's own side.

But the little devil's navy can take the initiative back at any time.

Once they make up their minds to land elsewhere, their side will lose the initiative.

It will take some time for the former Northeast Army that is being reorganized.

It will take more than a month for the recruits to become an army, but they are all recruits.

"But we don't have to be depressed! Even if the little devil uses the navy to land in other parts of our country, it will take time!

As long as we eat the more than [-] troops of the little devils before they log in, no!We don't need to eat more than [-] bowls, as long as we eat half of them, no matter where they land, we can react to it, and we can also draw troops from the frontline troops to come back! "

"En! What the commander said makes sense! But if this is the case, the frontline troops must speed up their offensive pace!"

Zhang Hanqing nodded.

"Speed ​​up the pace of attack? Hehe! As long as all our troops cross the Yalu River, the little devils won't be able to grow any longer!

Previously, because of the ice on the Yalu River, our heavy artillery and air force were unable to exert their full power.

Now as long as he has a firm foothold in North Korea, the little devil won't last long under the advantage of his own air force and heavy artillery! "

Han Ling shook his head and said.

Yes, he had already expected this.

This is why he predicted that the little devil is likely to land in other places in China, such as the Jiaodong Peninsula, such as the Liaodong Peninsula, and he was not at all nervous.

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