The little devil wants to use the navy to transfer troops. The preparations before and after this, coupled with their financial constraints, can't be transferred in a week.

Otherwise, why is Han Ling so calm?

Not even troop mobilization.

No matter how much potential you have, and how much you have the limit, you can explode, but if you mobilize troops from within the little devil, why do you need four or five days?

In four or five days, your more than [-] people were almost eaten by yourself.

No matter how bad it is, under the artillery and air superiority, it is no problem to eat half of you.

After eating half of it, you landed in my other places, so I'm not afraid!

"By the way! Hanqing, send a report to your front-line troops! The tenth and eleventh divisions, the division heads of these two divisions should be able to capture them alive. If they can't be captured alive, corpses are fine! Anyway! Just one word, this time I must not let them escape to the little devil!"

Thinking of the division heads of these two divisions, Han Ling couldn't help but sneered.

These two executioners who have been stained with the blood of the Chinese people in history, if I catch you alive, I will definitely cut you into pieces!

Han Ling was right. The main reason why the Pingyuan Army's attack was constantly blocked yesterday was because they were afraid that the ice would be destroyed, which would make it difficult for the troops behind to come over.

But since yesterday afternoon, the Third Infantry Division crossed the Yalu River from Jiulian Township, and the Seventh Infantry Division crossed the Yalu River from Dandong, and half of Sinuiju fell into the hands of the Pingyuan Army.

Today's Pingyuan Army Air Force and Heavy Artillery Units have begun to act recklessly.

At nine o'clock in the morning, after confirming that there will be no heavy snow today, the air force began to take off.

The heavy artillery units bombarded the Japanese positions unscrupulously.

The place of this bombardment is not at home, but abroad.

Those who smashed those pots and jars were not their own people, and if they were broken, they would be broken.

And Han Ling said before, don't be shy, just bombard Te Niang with cannons.

Anyway, if you break it, you don't have to pay for it!

In this way, today's Japanese army suffered a tragic bombing by the Pingyuan Army.


The roar of the engine came from the clouds in the sky.

At an altitude of 28 meters, a Type [-] dive bomber was rushing to its destination.

Maybe God can't get used to the little devil.

In the past few days of war, there has been no snow, which undoubtedly allows the Pingyuan Army's air force to take off and fight.

"This is the command plane of the Falcon Brigade No. [-] Squadron. We still have three minutes to reach our destination. Please prepare for the attack!"

On a command plane, a squadron leader of the bombing brigade picked up his communicator and said.

Fighters and bombers produced by weapons manufacturing bases are equipped with ultra-long-distance communicators.

Can be contacted through the communicator at any time.

"H001 machine received!"

"H015 machine received!"

Three minutes later they reached the sky above Yizhou.

At this time, the third infantry division of the Pingyuan army was engaged in a fierce battle with the little devil's eleventh division.

"The destination has been reached! Please contact the ground forces, we are ready to provide air support!"

"Roger that!"

Headquarters of the Third Infantry Division!

Because Li Longke belongs to the frontline headquarters, the third infantry division is temporarily led by Chief of Staff Huang Degang.

"Your Excellency, Chief of Staff! The Air Force has sent a message that they have arrived at the designated location! They can provide us with air support!"

Chapter 127: All-round Strike [Five]

"Very good! Immediately send a message to the frontline troops, tell them the channel of the air force in the sky, let them contact the air force in the sky immediately, and let the air force provide us with air cover!"


The messenger went out, Huang Degang turned to look at the map.

The third infantry division, the elite division of the Pingyuan Army.

There are more than [-] people in the division, and the proportion of clone soldiers in it is very high.

Among the more than [-] people, there are more than [-] clone soldiers.

It can be said that the proportion of clone soldiers in the first five infantry divisions is almost the same.

Clone troopers occupy quite a few positions.

After the various units on the front line received the news from the division headquarters, they immediately contacted the air force in the sky.

Here comes the real offense.

After the Pingyuan Army gained a firm foothold in North Korea, it finally launched a real offensive.

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