The distance of fifty meters is too short!

After falling countless Japanese soldiers, they still rushed to the front of the Ninth Infantry Division.

So the two sides engaged in the first hand-to-hand combat in the two days since the war started.

Both sides, both wearing thick military uniforms, fought fiercely in this snowy field at this moment.

Bayonets, pistols, bullets and more!

As long as there is a method that can be used, the Pingyuan Army has used it.

A Japanese soldier fell to the ground holding a rifle.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

They didn't expect the Pingyuan Army to be so devoid of Bushido spirit, and to use bullets to solve problems in hand-to-hand combat!

Chapter 129: Destruction of the Two Divisions

Night began to fall, and the sky had begun to darken.

A soldier of the Pingyuan Army marched towards the very center of the Japanese position with a rifle in hand.

There are less than [-] Japanese troops there, and in the center are Kenkichi Ueda and Shigeru Honjo.

The war has finally reached its final stage.

"Ueda-kun, the last moment has come!"

At this time, Honjo Shigeru, the general's official uniform looked full of oil and all kinds of mud.

Looks like a beggar than a beggar.The same is true for Ueda Kenkichi.

Holding the command saber, he seemed to have no strength left.

"Yes! The final moment has come! Honjo-kun, see you at Kudanban!"

Ueda Kenkichi squeezed out an ugly smile on his face.

"See you at the Jiuduanban!"

There was also a smile on Ben Zhuangfan's face.

"My lords! It's time to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor! I'll be waiting for you at Jiuduanban!"

Shigeru Honjo turned his head, looked at the Japanese soldiers around him and shouted loudly.


"See you at the Jiuduanban!"

"Allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor!"

The voices of Japanese soldiers began to ring out, and now the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army were getting closer and closer to them.

Then the remaining less than [-] Japanese soldiers began to rush out with bayonets. This was their last attack.

Ueda Kenkichi and Honjo Shige did not rush out, they looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

Then he grabbed the snow on the ground and began to wipe his cheeks, tidying up his military uniform.

There is a bloody fight ahead, and they are doing the last thing behind.


Pieces of snowflakes fell from the sky.

Honjo Shigeru and Ueda Kenkichi also stopped the action of rearranging the military appearance.

At this time, the Ninth Division and the Tenth Division were the only two of them left.

Even their chief of staff has died.

"Ueda-kun, I heard that you are from the [-]st issue of Luda!"

Honjo Shigeru took out his samurai sword, took out a white towel and wiped it there.

"Yes! It's from the [-]st issue of Luda!"

Kenkichi Ueda did the same, took out a white towel and wiped it there.

"Hehe! I'm in the [-]th period! I didn't expect that the two of us from the mainland would be here to be loyal to His Majesty!"

"No one thought that the empire's first disastrous defeat would be so heartbreaking! Two divisions, nearly [-] people! They were eaten by the Pingyuan Army just like that!"

There was a touch of pain in Ueda Kenkichi's tone.

"Ueda-kun! See you at Kudanban! If there is an afterlife, we must conquer China!"

Shigeru Honjo turned his head to look at Kenkichi Ueda and said.


The two looked at each other, then suddenly knelt down on the snow, and the samurai sword shone coldly, piercing into their lower abdomen fiercely.Then the two of them gritted their teeth as if feeling very painful, and the samurai sword in the lower abdomen suddenly cut across.

Kenkichi Ueda and Shigeru Honjo died.The two of them couldn't die anymore.

When the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army rushed to them, they saw a large pool of blood on their ground, and the two had veins popping out of their faces, as if they had endured a lot of pain.

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