Start cleaning the battlefield!

After a day of fighting, although the soldiers were very tired, they still had to clean up the battlefield.

The soldiers of the Ninth Infantry Division ripped off the entire body of the two lieutenant general division commanders.

Two of the lieutenant general's command knives were sent to the front headquarters.

Beiping, West Garden of the Forbidden City, General Headquarters of the Pingyuan Army

"Commander! Good news! Three infantry divisions, the Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Infantry Divisions, wiped out the Ninth and Twelfth Divisions of the Japanese Army this evening.

Kenkichi Ueda, head of the Ninth Division, and Shigeru Honjo, head of the Tenth Division, committed seppuku. "

Huang Kelin walked into the headquarters with a telegram with a happy expression on his face.

Because today is the very important start of the Pingyuan Army's battle against Japan.

So even if it is already nine o'clock.

The headquarters is also brightly lit, and many staff members are constantly walking around inside.

A piece of military information is gathered here.

"Oh? Show it to me!"

Sitting in his seat, Han Ling couldn't help saying when he saw Huang Kelin walking in with a happy face.

Then he took the telegram and read it.

"Not bad! Very good! This time we have eaten up the two divisions of the little devil. Their strength is even more insufficient, and we have opened the passage into North Korea! Let's see what the little devil will use to resist me!"

A smile appeared on Han Ling's face.

"Yeah! I didn't expect that in just these two days, two divisions of the little devil would be eaten by us! I used to think that the little devil is very powerful, but now it seems to be nothing more than that!"

Zhang Hanqing said with a sigh.

"That's not true, the little devil's combat effectiveness is still very strong! The key is that our three infantry divisions have better weapons and equipment than them. In addition, we have artillery and air superiority.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to eat them.

And even so, look at the casualty figures above!It is also very big!Over ten thousand casualties!It hurts just thinking about it! "

Zhang Hanqing took the telegram and read it.

This is indeed true, eating up the two divisions of the little devils, nearly [-] people.

However, the Pingyuan Army itself suffered over ten thousand casualties.

More than [-] soldiers died in battle.

And those who were injured, there were more than [-] casualties in total.

This number is almost catching up with the number of an infantry division.

"Okay! Let's not talk about this! No one can survive in a war! Now the two divisions here of the little devil have been eaten. According to the information sent back by the reconnaissance team, one of the sixth division of the little devil may have arrived now." Sinuiju. But I guess this division will retreat overnight tonight, and it should stop us in the Baima generation! And I am afraid that the little devil will have to use the other two divisions, otherwise his sixth division will Step into the back of the Ninth and Tenth Divisions!"

While looking at the map, Han Ling was thinking about the current situation in his mind.

According to the little devil's pissing nature, he definitely didn't just withdraw his troops like this in the end, but gathered the last three divisions and desperately fought against the Ninth Infantry Division.

If you win, maybe you can get back a game, but if you lose.

That is helpless.

As for the little devils retreating!

The arrogant little devil will not retreat in a hurry when there are still four or five divisions.

This can be seen from the fact that the [-]th Infantry Division faced the Little Devil's [-]th Division today, even if they had repelled him for more than ten miles, they didn't seem to withdraw their troops at all.

It's just that Han Ling guessed wrong this time. Duo Men Erlang, a little devil, is planning to withdraw his troops at this time.

Chapter 130: The little devil wants to retreat

Domen Jiro is thinking about retreating, it's true!

Not nonsense.

The destruction of the Ninth Division and the Tenth Division caused Domen Erlang a great shock.

From the Meiji Restoration to the present, in the intervening years, they have only suffered a greater casualty once.

That was the Russo-Japanese War, in which more than [-] people were killed and [-] were injured.

But that time it was against the tsarist government.

The total strength of both sides was close to one million, and the time lasted for a full year and a half.

At that time, they suffered about [-] casualties. It can be said that they suffered heavy casualties, but the results were not small!

At that time, the Tsarist government killed more than [-] people, injured more than [-] people, and had about [-] prisoners.

It can be said that the tsarist government lost around [-] people in that war.

But what about this time?

How many days has it been since the war started?

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