But the speed of the plane at this time is not fast.

Especially the Nakajima 91 fighter that the little devil just equipped.

The maximum speed of this fighter is only [-] kilometers per hour.

Remember, be the biggest.

Usually more than two hundred is almost the same.

The cruising speed is about [-], about [-] kilometers.

Eighty kilometers, enough for them to fly for nearly half an hour.

So this distance is normal.

Eighty kilometers is not far for an aircraft, but it is actually not far for infantry.

Even in the snow, it is a little difficult to march forty kilometers a day, but it can be achieved.

Not to mention during the pursuit.

And these two days, God didn't seem to help the little devil.

It has been snowing, which also caused the little devil's plane to be unable to take off at all, and could only stay at the airport.

And the result of this is that on the third day of the pursuit, that is, December [-], [-].

The Pingyuan Army successfully captured the little devil's two teaching army aviation divisions and more than [-] fighter planes.

Although it is very backward, it can be used as a training aircraft to train human pilots!

At this time, the productivity of the little devil's aircraft manufacturing industry is still very weak.

Only about [-] fighters can be produced a year.

Chapter 133: Hirohito's decision [Part [-]]

On December [-], [-], the little devils retreated all the way, and finally stabilized the front until they reached Jiachuan, established a defensive position here, and at the same time got rid of the pursuit of the Pingyuan army.

It's just that their number is now only about [-].

Along the way, soldiers were kept on sniper missions.

As for the Pingyuan Army, they have not pursued them anymore, but have begun to capture the area north of Xichuan.

The Pingyuan Army won a great victory, wiped out more than [-] Japanese troops, and when the record of the Japanese running like dogs was reported back to China, the whole country was shocked.

This is China's first victory in foreign wars.

This is a great victory.

Grand celebration ceremonies were held in Guangzhou, Wuhan, Changsha, Nanjing, Chongqing, Chengdu, Jinan, Tianjin, Beiping, Xi'an and other places.

Celebrate the great victory of the Pingyuan Army.

The warlords south of the Huaihe River had looked at Han Ling with a kind of optimistic look some time ago.

Think he's bound to fail.At that time, the Pingyuan Army, which has not been strong for a long time, will eventually become the dust of history.

But who knew the situation could change so quickly.

In a short period of time, the Japanese army was defeated and the Japanese army was driven to fight.

Although all the warlords were surprised, they were also terrified.

They even felt very dissatisfied when students under their own rule celebrated the victory of the Pingyuan Army, but they dared not openly oppose it.

Because this is a grand event in China, if they dare to resist, they may be attacked by the public opinion of the whole country, and even the famous name of traitor will be installed on their heads.

While grand celebration ceremonies were being held across the country, Han Ling and the others were deducing their next action plan.

"Now our army is stationed on the arc of Bocheon, Yongbyon, the stadium, and Tokugawa, while the Japanese army is using Kaecheon as the defensive fulcrum, Anju as the corner, and Suncheon as the support. They form a triangular defensive formation.

In addition, according to the information we have received, the [-]th Division of the Japanese army stationed in North Korea is now heading north from Seoul, preparing to support the Japanese army here! "

Huang Kelin gestured on the sand table with his baton.

Both Zhang Hanqing and Han Ling watched from the sidelines.

The first phase of the combat plan has been completed, and the next step is the second phase of the plan.

"That is to say, the fifteen infantry divisions of our army, plus other troops, more than [-] troops are all crowded in the area north of Xichuan!"

Han Ling narrowed his eyes slowly, which showed that he was thinking.


"This area is too small! And with so many of our troops crowded here, I'm afraid the little devil will have other ideas! Kelin, send an order immediately to order the infantry divisions [-]st, [-]nd, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th The fifth, sixteenth and seventeenth divisions returned home immediately.

Where there are eight infantry divisions, two heavy artillery divisions, and more than [-] troops are enough.

Now what we want to prevent is that the little devil lands from other places.

Surrounding Wei and saving Zhao, not only we know how, but also the little devils! "

The reason why Han Ling dispatched these troops back was not just because of this.

For example, the four infantry divisions of the [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th divisions, the real reason why Han Ling called them back was to change their outfits.

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