Now the production of [-] semi-automatic rifles per day, it has been so long, and it is possible to completely replace an infantry division again.

The other infantry divisions waited first. Anyway, the output was not low. It would be no problem to change an infantry division in ten days.

Moreover, the transfer of some troops can also reduce the logistical pressure.

Although the airship is transporting logistical supplies, it is subject to the weather after all.

Once it snows heavily, the airship cannot be dispatched.

"That's right! Marshal, someone has come to Peiping, and he wants to see you!"

Zhang Hanqing suddenly looked at Han Lingdao with a strange expression.

"Someone wants to see me? Who?"

Han Ling asked a little strangely.see myself?who!I still want to see myself, don't you know that I am very busy during this time?

I haven't even seen Zhang Zuoxiang and Zhang Jinghui from the northeast.

"Ah! I'll take my brother, Feng Yong!"

Zhang Hanqing said with some embarrassment.

"Feng Yong? Feng Delin's son? The one who donated all his family property to start Feng Yong University?"

Han Ling blinked, what does this guy want to see him for?


"Krillin! How are our recruits doing now?"

Han Ling didn't answer directly, but turned to look at Huang Kelin and asked.

"One more month to get out of boot camp!"

"En! Hanqing, go down and make some arrangements and gather them together! Let me meet them together!"

Han Ling thought for a while and said.


When Han Ling was preparing to meet those people the next day, a pre-imperial meeting was going on in the little devil's capital in the east, whether to defend or counterattack.

"My lords, now the empire has come to a crossroads again! The Huaxia Pingyuan Army is aggressive and mobilized more than [-] troops to fight the empire on the border between China and North Korea.

The time of the battle was very short, but the result was very bad!

The Ninth and Tenth Divisions of the Empire and their commanders Ueda Kenkichi and Honjo Shigeru were destroyed in Sinuiju!

Now the army of the empire has been beaten to the front line of Qichuan, and the Pingyuan army has temporarily stopped attacking!

But according to the predictions of the staff headquarters, they will not let it go, and they will probably continue to attack!

The reason why you convened the imperial meeting here today is that we are counterattacking or defending! "

Xianyuan Gong Zairen, the emperor's uncle of Yuren, stood up and looked at the generals below and said.

The kid Hirohito took office in 26.

Because he is young, and the little devil's military department already has a strong strength at this time, so he is going to find someone to check and balance the military department.

After his hard work, and the fact that the Pingyuan Army and the Empire were about to go to war some time ago, he used this reason to get Xianyuan Gong Zairen to the staff department in advance and become the chief of staff.

Originally, according to the historical trajectory, it would take three to one year for Xianyuan Gong Zairen to take the position of Chief of Staff.

Chapter 134: Hirohito's decision

"Your Excellency, I think it should be fought! More than [-] soldiers of the empire died for the great cause of the empire in this battle.

Now all the soldiers of the imperial army are filled with righteous indignation and demand to send troops to crush the Huaxia Pingyuan army.

If we don't avenge those more than [-] soldiers at this time, I'm afraid the morale of the army will be hard to calm down! "

It was General Nanjiro who stood up to speak.

As a general who has just been awarded the title not long ago, he shouldn't stand up and say these things at this time.

But Yusaku Uehara's eyes forced him to stand up.

Yusaku Uehara, this person may not be known to many people.

But he is very prestigious in the little devil army. He is another marshal leader of the army after Shanxian Youpeng, and he is also the founder of the little devil imperial way faction.

Now the little devil's army is completely under his leadership.

And Yuren moved out of the Xianyuan Gong Zairen to check and balance him.

Born in 1856, he is the elder among the elders of the little devils.

The prestige among the army is very high.

This is why Nanjiro, a guy who has just been promoted to general, dare not confront Uehara Yusaku.

Moreover, Nanjiro has no opinion in history.

Hirohito, who was sitting at the top, heard Nanjiro's words, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Regarding whether to defend or counterattack, Hirohito's choice in his heart is actually defensive.

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