Cai Yuanpei looked at the people around him before saying, "To be honest, I haven't met Han Ling a few times. If it's face-to-face, I haven't even once.

Some time ago, there was a war between the Pingyuan Army and the Northeast Army, and our Peking University was forced to suspend classes.

Later, after he entered the city, when he asked Peking University to reopen, he came to us and gave a speech.That time was the closest I was to him.I seldom see him at other times. "

"Then do you know what kind of person he is? We gathered here today just to know what kind of person this Marshal Han is.

Over the years, Huaxia has been engaged in constant wars.National education is even worse than before.If Huaxia wants to rise, education must come first.If he is a person who doesn't value education, wouldn't it be a waste of time for me to wait? "

The speaker was a young man in his thirties with a pair of glasses on his face.He looks refined and refined, with the demeanor of a literati.His name is Fu Sinian, and he is one of the leaders of Chinese New Literature, and also one of the student leaders of the May Fourth Patriotic Movement.Now there is a faint appearance of becoming another literary master in China.

"That's a good point! If Huaxia wants to rise, education needs to be the first priority! Education is the foundation of a country!"

Just as Fu Sinian finished speaking, a voice came in from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, Han Ling walked in with two 'Hanqing'.

"Big guy!"

Cai Yuanpei shouted when he saw Han Ling coming in.

"En! Don't be too polite!"

Han Ling waved his hand, then turned to look at the other four people and said, "Let me introduce myself! I am the highest official of the Chinese Provisional Government! But here today, don't take me as the highest official of the Chinese Provisional Government. Today I am in The identity here is a person who works for the future of China!"

Han Ling looked at these people with a smile.

Han Ling's attitude made Zhou Shuren and the others look at each other.

From Han Ling's words, they could see that Han Ling attached great importance to them.

"Originally, I was going to meet you earlier! But it was delayed because of some things. And now it's almost noon. Everyone is probably hungry! Why don't we talk about it at the dinner table?"

Inside a large restaurant in Xiyuan.

At this time, a table of wine and banquets was set up here.

There are eight people sitting on it.

Naturally, they were Han Ling, Feng Yong, Zhang Hanqing, Cai Yuanpei, Fu Sinian, Hu Shi, Jiang Menglin, and Zhou Shuren.

Although the food and drink at the banquet was very rich at this time, these people didn't care about it.

At this moment, they were looking at Han Ling with burning eyes, and Han Ling was also talking.

"When I met Feng Yong just now, he asked me whether my ambition is to revitalize China or to be the overlord. I asked him what his impression of me was.

Now that you are here with all the leading figures in the literary world, I have also said it bluntly.

My ambition is to be the overlord of one side and revitalize China at the same time.

Since [-], we in China have had enough of the bullying and humiliation of the Western powers.And I have personally seen the contempt Westerners treat us.

From a long time ago, I wanted to revitalize Huaxia.Unfortunately, there has been no chance.

It wasn't until a year ago that I started to make my mark in Guisui.And until now, my Chinese interim government has only been sitting on half of China.

Only now do I have the opportunity to start revitalizing Huaxia.

What Meng Zhen said just now was good.In order to revitalize Huaxia, the first priority is education.Education comes first.

I think this sentence is right!

Education is the foundation of a country, and now there are many illiterates in our country.Many people don't even know the words.Not to mention anything else!

And I wanted to revitalize education and develop industry before, but I didn’t have talents in this area.”

Chapter 138: The situation that has to be fought

After a meal, these literary figures had a clear understanding of Han Ling.

Although Han Ling seems to be a new warlord, he is still a warlord who owns half of China.

But he is not as short-sighted as those old warlords.

Han Ling pointed out from the rise of countries in the world: the rise of a country cannot be separated from three aspects.

The first is education!Education is the foundation of a country. This is beyond doubt and cannot be changed.

The second is industry!You can't just have talents, you also have to have industry, and only with a strong industry can you have a strong national heritage.

The third is the economy!The well-being of the country and the happiness of the people are what a leader should do.

Only the rise of these three aspects can be called a rise.

Now, whether it is the economy or industry, there is a need for talents.

A lot of talent is needed.

In the [-]st century, what is most lacking?

It's talent!

Putting this sentence into practice now, there is an urgent need for talents!

Talents from all walks of life are needed.

This is where the role of the school comes into play.

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