Schools can train a large number of talents for the country.

But there must be principals, teachers and lecturers in the school, right?

So at the end of the dinner, Han Ling sincerely extended an olive branch to them, inviting them to work together for the revitalization of China.I hope they can invite the educators and literary scholars they know to Peking.

At the same time, Han Ling also offered them high salaries, and hoped that they could become the leaders in China's education circle.

This was the original intention of their coming to Beiping, so no one refused the olive branch offered by Han Ling.

These Chinese educators and literary scholars, especially Zhou Shuren, who studied medicine before.

Later, after the little devil saw those things, he thought that the only way to save the country was to save the country spiritually.

So he abandoned medicine and followed literature.

After the group was recruited by Han Ling, Han Ling immediately allocated five million oceans to them.

This is Han Ling's first education funding.

It is used for them to expand the school, improve the various infrastructures of the school, and at the same time recruit lecturers and the like.

five million!It sounds a lot, but education is actually a bottomless pit.

No matter how much money you throw in it, it will be swallowed by you.

Moreover, education is a long-term thing, and money will have to be invested in it every month in the future.

But Han Ling had no objection to this point.

With so much money, Han Ling was really worried about those officials, and he had to monitor them to avoid being embezzled.

But for these writers and educators.

You can stop worrying about them.These are a group of truly patriotic people.

These pure educators and literary scholars, during the Anti-Japanese War, how many of them defected to the enemy and betrayed the country?

There are some who wear the name of an educator or a writer, that is to sell dog meat.It is said that it is engaged in literature, but within the system, it is desperately trying to climb up.

Cai Yuanpei, Zhou Shuren and the others started calling for friends after they left with Han Ling.

You are not in the same circle. It is really hard to find a group of people who are dedicated to education and literature.

But people in their literary circle wanted to find them.

That is really much better than layman.

A lot of people they know do that.

As the saying goes!

People are divided into groups, and things are gathered.

Later, across the country, many leading figures in the literary world, as well as bigwigs in the education field, received letters from Cai Yuanpei and the others.

The content of this autograph letter is very simple.

That is to invite them to come to Beiping to discuss the development of the country and discuss the issue of Huaxia education.

Ever since, there was a wave of literati going to Peiping throughout China.

Literati and educators who went to Peiping in twos and threes are everywhere.

There is quite a scene of gatherings of three mountains and five mountains.

When Han Ling decided on the next development plan in Beiping, he began to start with education.

At this time, the troops on the front line couldn't bear it anymore.

After the snow stopped, the airship transport troops delivered a large amount of various materials to the hands of the frontline troops.

Under Liu Klon's tentative attack order, the Pingyuan Army with sufficient ammunition began to have friction with the little devil.

A few shots will be fired every day, and then small troops will be sent to test the deployment of the little devil's troops.

It's just that the tentative attack is the prelude to the final attack.

December [-], [-].

At the end of the [-]s, Liu Klonn issued an order to take down Xichuan before New Year's Day.

Six thirty in the morning on the twenty-eighth.

It was still dark, and Yang Qing, the commander of the Ninth Infantry Division, had a cigarette dangling from his mouth to keep his mind clearer.

"Is the Heavy Artillery Regiment ready? What's the news from the First Heavy Artillery Division?"

Yang Qing asked after exhaling a smoke ring.

The main task of attacking Shichuan this time is their Ninth Infantry Division.

At the same time, the First Heavy Artillery Division assisted them in their attack.

On the other hand, it was the second and third divisions of the Japanese army that were defending in Shichuan. These two divisions had suffered little losses in previous battles.

There are more than [-] people in the two divisions defending Xichuan, and it can be seen that the little devil attaches great importance to this place.

At the same time, it also shows that the little devil is ready to fight a defensive battle.Wait until the domestic economic situation improves.

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