"Tsk tsk! No matter how well your position is built, I can blow you up with a bombardment. I want to see how long you little devils can resist!"

At this time, Yang Qing was at the observation port of the headquarters, holding a telescope to observe, while talking loudly.

"Come on! Contact the First Heavy Artillery Division, and hope that they can bombard the city of Bichuan after we take down the position outside the city! Be sure to reduce the casualties of our soldiers!"


Heavy bombardment of the city, this kind of thing is probably only possible when you are abroad.

When fighting in the country before, Han Ling repeatedly ordered that the city must not be bombarded with heavy artillery.

If a large number of people died because of the bombardment of the city with heavy artillery, it would be dealt with by military law!

But it's different now.

Before the war against Japan, Han Ling issued such an order:

If the war can be won, any conventional and unconventional means are allowed!Even if millions of civilians in North Korea are killed because of the war, it will not hesitate!

It was such an order that made all the commanders of the infantry divisions of the Pingyuan Army who had entered North Korea be used as a gold medal.

Every time a war starts, the artillery must go first.

Even if there are a large number of North Korean civilians on the opposite side, it is as if they have not seen it.

When Yang Qing commanded the Ninth Infantry Division, with the support of the First Heavy Artillery Division, pressing down on the Japanese Second and Third Divisions to attack.

Han Ling, who was in Beiping at this time, was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Because the weapon manufacturing base has been upgraded.

Two days earlier than expected.

Han Ling was sitting in his study, in front of him was a three-dimensional image with a progress bar running there.

Han Ling calculated that it would take half an hour to finish the run.

Han Ling is not in a hurry!Really no rush!Don't rush to the point where you want to hit someone.

Half an hour, when I usually deal with government and military affairs, half an hour passed in a flash.

But here, looking at the progress bar running slowly, it feels like half an hour seems to be a long time.

Half an hour later, when Han Ling stared at it with wide eyes, the progress bar finally ran to the end.

And the screen also changed, and various data began to appear on it.

The first is the original weapons, what is the current output.

After Han Ling swept away, he immediately became excited.

In this weapon manufacturing base, the further you get to the back, the harder it is to upgrade, but every level up brings huge surprises.

Just like this time.

The speed of producing weapons has increased by two or three times.

First of all, let's talk about manual rifles, eh!The current output of this thing is zero!

Yes, you heard that right, his production is zero!

Because after the seventh level of the weapon manufacturing base, the production of manual rifles will automatically stop.

However, the output of Type 30 semi-automatic rifles has increased greatly.

Before the upgrade, it was [-] per day, and after the upgrade, it produced [-] per day!

"Tsk tsk! I didn't expect it! After the seventh level of the weapon manufacturing base, the output is so high. If the information base is upgraded to the fourth level, wouldn't the output be doubled or even more?"

Looking at the output of each weapon above, Han Ling couldn't help but sighed.

The output of each weapon after the upgrade is as follows:

The Type 30 manual rifle has been completely phased out and will no longer be produced.

Type 30 semi-automatic rifles, with a daily output of [-] pieces.

Type 30 general-purpose machine guns, with a daily output of [-].

Type 30 heavy machine guns: thirty per day

[-] mortars: [-] per day

[-] mm field guns: [-] per day

[-]mm mountain artillery: [-] per day

[-]mm guns: ten each per day.

[-]mm guns: eight each per day.

[-]mm guns: five each per day

Type 28 fighters: six per day

Type 28 dive bombers: four per day.

Airship: two every three days.

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