[Of course, what is mentioned above is also the main output of weapons, such as pistols and grenades, etc. are not mentioned!Because the output of these is also very high, anyway, there will be no shortage! 】

Of course, these are the original weapons production.

This time the weapon manufacturing base is upgraded, and there are new weapons.

First of all, the first one is the 205mm heavy artillery. [including cannon and howitzer]

This kind of artillery currently produces only one howitzer and one cannon per day.

It is equivalent to the state of two doors per day.

This is a 205mm heavy gun.

In addition, there is another thing, the high-level dual-purpose dual-mounted heavy machine gun.

The caliber of this high-level dual-purpose dual-mounted heavy machine gun is 147 mm.

Overall gun length: 2328 mm.

The total weight is 93 kg.

Muzzle velocity: 830850 meters per second.

Theoretical rate of fire: between 540 and 600 rounds.

Combat actual rate of fire: only 120 rounds per minute.

After all, if you really shoot according to the theoretical rate of fire, unless you want this high-level dual-purpose dual-mounted heavy machine gun to be scrapped directly after this battle.

Effective range: to the air: 2000 meters.

Flat shot: 1600 meters.

Feeding method: bomb chain feeding

Ammunition belt: 150 rounds of ammunition belt are used.

Chapter 141: Finally You Can Retreat

The output of this high-level dual-purpose dual-mounted heavy machine gun is still average at present.

Ten sticks every day.

In addition to these two weapons, weapons such as Sanqi anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft guns, and 120mm mortars have also been added.

However, Han Ling is not ready to equip these weapons yet.


The current enemies are little devils, and my own air force can completely abuse them, but I don't need anti-aircraft guns.

For the 120mm mortar, Han Ling is not planning to equip the troops for the time being. He plans to equip the field troops after defeating the little devils. At the same time, all the troops need to be reorganized and reorganized at that time!

As for Gaoping dual-purpose dual-mounted heavy machine guns, Han Ling decided to equip the troops only after he had a certain number. At the same time, after the war against Japan, he also planned to reorganize a part of the standing division, or the same establishment as the standing army!

And this high-level dual-purpose dual-mounted heavy machine gun is equipped with such troops as the standing division.

After the weapon manufacturing base was upgraded, Han Ling decided not to change the equipment of other troops for the time being.

Because now the war against Japan is almost over.

Although the Japanese army still occupies most of North Korea.

But their forces in North Korea have been exhausted.

And they want to transfer troops from the country, not only need time, but also money.

Even if the little devil's army wants to fight, Hirohito may temporarily stop the war for the sake of the little devil's economy.

In fact, Han Ling's guess was correct.

"Nani? The Pingyuan army launched a fierce attack on our army this morning? The second and third divisions suffered heavy casualties?"

Hirohito stared wide-eyed, looking at the Chief of Staff Xianyuan Gong Zairen in front of him.

"Yes! Your Majesty! The Pingyuan Army is now storming our position. In addition, we have also received news that the Pingyuan Army has five infantry divisions moving towards the rear of Qichuan. We guess they want to eat our second division. Regiment and the Third Division! Your Majesty, the Commander of the Second Division, His Excellency Prince Higashikuni Renhiko, has sent a telegram requesting a retreat! Because once the encirclement circle of the Pingyuan Army is formed, they will not be able to leave! The Ninth Division and the First Division The tragedy of the Tenth Division will happen again!"

Hirohito was stunned by what Gong Zairen said.

The tragedies of the Ninth Division and the Tenth Division happened again?

Thinking of the consequences of this, Hirohito felt his body chill.

When the news of the destruction of these two divisions was sent back to China, it caused great repercussions.

Many citizens demanded to send troops to severely punish Huaxia, and they all scolded the government for being incompetent.

Although Hirohito also wanted to send troops, it was decided some time ago.Decided to cultivate for a period of time, first to stabilize the economy of the empire.

"Do we really have to retreat?"

After a long time, Hirohito closed his eyes and asked with some uncertainty.

"Your Majesty! We have no choice! Not only is the empire's economy facing collapse, even if we barely send troops to China. But this is winter, and the mobilization of the army is very troublesome!

In order to reduce logistics, the Pingyuan Army mobilized part of the troops to return to the country.

And it is even more difficult for us to transport logistics from China!

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