Han Ling gave instructions that in the year of [-]st, the local governments in the area under the rule of the Huaxia Provisional Government must focus on the construction of schools.

Give enough convenience and economy to the school.

Now led by Cai Yuanpei and Zhou Shuren, they have gathered most of the Chinese educators and leading figures in the literary world.

But where are these people working?


It was Peking University that Han Ling was planning to expand and Huaxia University of Science and Technology that was going to be built.

These people will be arranged by Han Ling in these places.

But to popularize education and provide the overall quality of the people does not depend on universities.

What does the university cultivate?

A place of high talent.

At this time, Huaxia still can't make everyone a college student in a short period of time.

Even in later generations, there are many young people of the younger generation who are not college students.

Therefore, in order to improve the national quality of the people, popularize education.

Elementary school, middle school, these are the most important.

When it comes to teachers, don't worry.

Now the talent training base can train teachers and these things.

Send the clone soldiers in, and a qualified teacher will come out two days later.

Of course, these clone soldier teachers naturally cannot be teachers of national languages ​​such as Chinese.

National language, these need to be in charge of literati with cultural background.

But Han Ling is not worried, because the mandarin teachers, those literati left over from the Manchu Qing period, can be fully responsible.

During the Manchu Qing period, although this was not good, that was not good.However, the literati education and training system among the people has long been perfected.

After the fall of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, many old literati were left behind.

What Han Ling has to do now is to get the government to come forward and invite these people back to teach the children literacy.

And the others, math teacher, physics teacher, biology teacher, these are handed over to clone teacher to do.

In the ruling area below, Han Ling planned to set up a primary school in the township.

There are primary and junior high schools in the town.

There is a high school in the county seat.

Ordinary cities have vocational and technical universities.

Universities are set up in provincial capitals or some good cities.

At the same time, universities are also graded.

This point was copied by Han Ling from his previous life, but with slight changes.

College, undergraduate, key universities!

Just these three levels.

Among them, Han Ling, a key university, is currently only planning to set up two.

One is Peking University, and the other is Huaxia University of Science and Technology.

After finishing his education, Han Ling focused on another thing.

That is industry.

Led by Qihang Company, a lifting industry base was established in resource-rich places such as Shanxi and Suiyuan.

Started to engage in industry.

After talking about industry, Han Ling set his goal on economic development.

According to the current world economic situation, Han Ling made a staged development method of self-development and stimulating domestic demand.

This was a major meeting. In this meeting, Han Ling not only read out the [-]st and [-]rd plans, but also made adjustments to various departments of the Huaxia Provisional Government.

At this meeting, Han Ling successively reorganized these important departments such as the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Supervision, the Ministry of Commerce and Trade, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Education.

For the ministers of various departments, Han Ling made careful choices.

At the same time, the jurisdiction is so large and there are many things to do every day. In order to improve the efficiency of handling government affairs, Han Ling.

Han Ling decided to set up a secretarial department, with Fang Tu as the head of the secretarial department.

Assist him with government affairs.

In addition, in the Ministry of Supervision, almost all the people in this department are clone soldiers.

And the minister is naturally a clone soldier.

This is a sharp sword that Han Ling hangs over the heads of various officials.

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