It has the power to inspect and arrest criminal officials.

Responsible directly to Han Ling and not bound by anyone.

After the order of the [-]st and [-]rd plans was issued to the various officials below, Han Ling asked them to go down and carry it out.

And Han Ling also started to sort out the affairs of the army.

Now that the output of the weapons manufacturing base has greatly increased, Han Ling also has the confidence to start restructuring the Pingyuan Army under his command.

Make more reasonable plans for the establishment of the army.

Now the Pingyuan Army's army is no longer as simple as twenty-one infantry divisions.

Later, the Northeast Army was reorganized by Han Ling into thirteen infantry divisions, plus fourteen infantry divisions, eight cavalry divisions, two heavy artillery divisions, and airship transport troops formed by recruits.

The number of the Pingyuan Army has exceeded one million.

But among the millions of troops, although it is said that they have been reorganized once.

But overall, it's rather messy.

Former Northeast Army, Jinsui Army, Northwest Army, clone soldiers, newly recruited.

It can be said that the composition is more complex.

Han Ling is already making plans here.

For these troops under his command, Han Ling planned to reorganize forty standing infantry divisions, ten standing heavy artillery divisions, five air force divisions, and six bombing brigades.There are also four airship transport brigades, each with 48 airships.

Those who are older and injured in the army are transferred to the local reserve or the police station.

This involves local security issues.

Han Ling previously established the police department.

All local police stations under the provisional government of China are under his unified jurisdiction.

As for some of the police officers in these police stations, Han Ling was going to let these demobilized soldiers fill in.

This can be regarded as a solution to the worries of the soldiers.

As for the reorganized forty standing infantry divisions, Han Ling was also planning to make adjustments to their weapons and equipment personnel.

The new arrangement made by Han Ling is as follows:

new establishment

A class: 30 people, with one principal and one deputy.Equipped with twelve semi-automatic rifles, one Type [-] general-purpose machine gun, and two grenadiers.The grenades belong to individual equipment and do not occupy troops.

One company: nine infantry squads, one heavy fire support squad.

Heavy machine gun fire support reinforcement squad, two 30-type heavy machine guns, three [-] mortars, [-] people.

One battalion: three infantry companies, one battalion headquarters guard squad, battalion headquarters, and one logistics company.

One regiment: three infantry battalions, one regiment headquarters guard platoon, one regiment artillery battalion, one engineer platoon, one communications squad, one logistics supply company, and one truck transport brigade.

One division: three infantry regiments, one division artillery regiment, one reconnaissance battalion, one division guard battalion, one logistics logistics regiment, five truck transport brigades, one engineer battalion, one gendarmerie brigade, one field hospital, one communications company , a division.

Chapter 143: Finally North Korea [Part [-]]

Of course, the above is just the preparation plan made by Han Ling!

And the number of each division has also changed, the specific number is as follows:

A class: [-] people

A company: 159 people

A battalion: 627 people

A group: 2618 people

One division: 16904 people

Such a plan will be carried out immediately after the end of the war against Japan.

While Han Ling was preparing to change the army's plan, the Pingyuan Army had arrived in Seoul again.

On January [-], [-], six infantry divisions of the Pingyuan Army, the [-]rd, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th infantry divisions, approached Seoul. Feel like crying without tears.

Especially Hayashi Mijuro and Higashikui Toshihiko feel that they are really unlucky.

Whether it's Hayashi Mijuro or Higashikuni Toshihiko, neither of them have been in office for long.

Lin Xianjuro is the current governor of North Korea. Not long after he took office, the Pingyuan Army attacked North Korea.

Followed by constant failure, constant failure!

Looking at the current situation, he will not be the governor of North Korea for long!

And Higashikuni Minoruhiko only took office after that, and he didn't even take office for a month.

But now that they are losing battles one after another, it's strange that these two are in a good mood!

"Your Excellency! We can only ask for reinforcements from China! Otherwise, we will never be able to defend North Korea!"

Hayashi Mijuro said while looking at Tokyuhiko with a serious face in the North Korean Governor's Mansion.

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