The current North Korean Governor-General's Office has become their joint headquarters.

"Ask for reinforcements? I'm afraid it's impossible! The situation above is not very good!"

Dongkui Minoruhiko said with a wry smile and shook his head.

Now the little devil is not only in a bad economic situation, but also in a bad political situation.

The military department of Yuan Yongzuo demanded to continue the war and kill the Pingyuan Army.

Hirohito, on the other hand, wants to calm down and develop first.

After all, the little devil now has a feeling of being in a precarious state.

It was these two different ideas, and the direct consequence was that the chief of staff, Xianyuan Gong Zairen, did not win the support of the Young and Strong faction.

Those young factions all support Uehara's brave work, hoping to conquer and conquer China.

As the royal family, Higashikuri Toshihiko naturally knew these things.

But Hayashi Mijuro had only heard that the little devil seemed to be a little unstable inside.

The specific situation is unknown.

"Hey! So what should we do now? We don't have many troops now! We only have a little over [-] troops!

Judging from the previous battle situation of the Pingyuan Army, our chances of winning seem to be slim! "

Hayashi Mijuro also felt very depressed.

The current crisis gave him a sense of impending doom.

"Lin Xianjun, is there any way you can let us block the Pingyuan army?"

After thinking for a long time, Higashikuru Toshihiko looked at Hayashi Mijuro and asked seriously.

"If only I could figure out a way, that would be great! I can't do anything now!"

Hayashi Mijuro said with a wry smile.

"Could it be that the achievements of the empire's decades of hard work are about to be lost in our hands?"

Dongkui Minoruhiko looked at the map a little lonely and said.

He couldn't figure out why the Pingyuan Army didn't take shells seriously.

Every time there is a battle, the artillery troops are constantly bombarding.

It took the Pingyuan Army so long to arrive in Seoul this time just to move the artillery.

Otherwise, it would take so long to go from Qichuan to Seoul.

It's almost half a month.

It took Pingyuan Army so long to get the artillery from Xichuan to Seoul in the snow, how much energy did it take?

But the Pingyuan Army just slowly brought these artillery units under Seoul.

"Your Excellency, the only solution for now is to ask the country for reinforcements! It's not that I lose my ambition and make others prestige.

His Excellency the prince may have already felt the fighting power of the Pingyuan Army all the way here.

Their firepower is powerful and their attacks are sharp, and it is difficult for our troops to completely block their attacks.If we can't stop it, we are afraid that we will be destroyed like the Ninth and Tenth Divisions.Become a disgrace to the empire! "

Hayashi Mijuro looked at Higashikuni Renhiko and said.

"Ask for reinforcements from the country?"

Tokuhiro Toshihiko heard Hayashi Mijuro, and then saw the firmness in Hayashi Mijuro's eyes, he suddenly seemed to have discovered something.

"He is Yusaku Uehara!"

Higashikui Toshihiko gave Hayashi Mijuro a definition in his heart.

Because once reinforcements are requested, the war will continue.And this also represents the outcome of the battle between Hirohito and Yusaku Uehara.

He originally belonged to the royal family, and this time he sat on the throne of the Second Division, and Hirohito was behind him.

If he betrayed the royal family, Hirohito might not make him feel better.

"Yes! Your Excellency, your words carry more weight than mine. Now, in order to keep North Korea, you can only send the report!"

Hayashi Mijuro looked at Higashikuni Renhiko very sincerely.

Never look at a senior general with the eyes of a pure soldier, let alone a person in the position of the governor of the colony.

Now Hayashi Mijuro just hoped that Higashikuni Toshihiko would send a report back to ask for reinforcements. In this way, Hirohito would have a headache when faced with the request from his royal family!

"How about this! I'll send a report back to the base camp first, and ask them whether our divisions here are advancing or retreating!"

Dongjiuer Renrenyan said suddenly after pondering for a long time, and then strode out.

This can't help but make Hayashi Mijuro stunned, and then he feels a little helpless.

He knew that his little thought was seen through by others.

Dongjiuer Renyan's words are very clear, ask them whether the divisions are advancing or retreating!

Nothing about North Korea.

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