But Dongkui Minoruhiko's approach is also correct.

Because he himself is the division head of the second division and the commander of those divisions this time.

He is in charge of the affairs of the army. As for the affairs of North Korea, let you, the governor, have a headache!

Even if the base camp pursues him afterwards, he will be fine, because he is in charge of his own affairs.It's right that I don't care about North Korea's affairs!

I have to say, there is a saying that goes well, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Three or three years ago, the top management of the little devil was not really united.

The imperial way faction, the conservative faction, and other forces such as the Kyushu Fan.

Inside the little devil, it can be said that various forces are intricate.

In history, after Xianyuan Gong Zairen became the chief of staff, he began to organize the army of the little devil.

But because of Yusaku Uehara, the effect was limited.

In [-], Yusaku Uehara passed away, and Gong Zairen of Xianyuan began to hold the army in his hands.

And it was only after three or three years that the top brass of the little devils were truly united.

It was also when the little devils in history began to use the resources and arsenals in the Northeast.

In a short period of time, their national strength has undergone substantial changes. Four years later, their ambitions have expanded and they finally attacked China.

North Korea, Goyang City, north of Seoul, Pingyuan Army Frontline Command!

"Are the troops ready now?"

Liu Klonn stood in front of a map, looking at the huge map road.

"Everything is ready! All units, and two heavy artillery divisions. In addition, our meteorologists have reported that the heavy snow will stop in two days. Should we wait two days? At that time, our air force can also participate in the battle. "

Zheng Daxing put his hands behind his back, looked at Liu Klonn and said.

"Wait for two days? Yes! But don't be idle these two days, let our two heavy artillery divisions bombard! Let's blow up Seoul first! That way our attack will be smoother that day!"

It seems that Liu Klonn, the clone, really did anything to win the war.

Han Ling's order is that as long as North Korea can be brought down, any means can be used.

And Liu Klon can also be said to have resolutely carried out Han Ling's order.

It actually started shelling Seoul two days before the infantry did not attack.

"Old Liu, this will cause a lot of civilian casualties! Although they are not our citizens, they are human lives after all. Isn't this bad?"

Wang Chenggang looked at Liu Klonn with some doubts and said.

"Nothing! The commander-in-chief gave an order that as long as North Korea can be obtained, it doesn't matter how many North Koreans die! Because we can't blame us for this, it's because of the war.

There are no undead in war.It's just a matter of quantity! "

Liu Klonn firmly rejected Wang Chenggang's words.

"Target - Seoul!"

"Ruler—three hundred and three!"

"Direction, left zero one three!"

"Add fifteen to the height!"

"All artillery, high-explosive bombs prepared, delayed fuze activation!"


Chapter 144: Finally got it【中】






Heavy artillery bombs landed in Seoul with a roar.

Under the power of heavy artillery, buildings became piles of rubble and ruins!

Countless people were killed by bombs.

The war came so suddenly.

Suddenly, war came!

It takes everything from you, and in that instant, you lose everything, including your life.

Whether it is the people in Seoul or the Japanese army, they can only hide in a corner under the power of heavy artillery, praying that the shells will not fall by their side.

Because they still want to go back to see their relatives.

The sky is full of soil, and the sky is full of figures.

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