"En! That makes sense! Now that the little devil is gone, we will occupy Seoul and its surrounding towns. We will gather some North Koreans to clean up Seoul today and tomorrow. I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble for our shelling yesterday!"

Liu Klonn said with a sigh of relief.

"it is good!"

The Pingyuan army entered the city. They wore sky-blue combat uniforms, stepped on black military boots, and entered the city with their weapons on their shoulders.

No so-called North Koreans came to greet them, and there was nothing solemn about them.

Some just have a burst of surprise.

Yesterday Seoul was bombed for a whole day, and it was all heavy artillery.

The power of heavy artillery can be imagined, and the damage they caused to Seoul can also be imagined.

Many soldiers can clearly feel the shrapnel under their feet.

The once dense housing buildings are now in ruins.

The wood of many wooden house buildings looks dark.

It seems that during the shelling yesterday, there must have been a lot of fires in Seoul.

After the extremely low temperature at night, the fire was extinguished.

But it is such a situation that gives people a feeling of looking more desolate.

The corpses lying on the ground were covered by snow.

It looks like piles of human-shaped molds piled up with heavy snow.

Many living North Koreans hid in a corner, trembling and looking at the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army who were walking slowly in the city with a look of fear.

For them, the Japanese Army and the Pingyuan Army are the same.

Even the Pingyuan Army is more fierce than the Japanese Army!

Just yesterday, these Pingyuan troops proved their ferocity with countless shells.

Relatives of many North Koreans were killed in the shelling.

The soldiers of the Pingyuan Army reached the center of the city while searching and advancing.

Where is a square.

There are many black deposits on the square.

This is where the Japanese army burned the corpses last night.

After they burned the corpse and hurriedly packed away the ashes, only these black burning materials were left.

After several hours, these black burning objects had already become icy cold, and even began to be covered with a layer of white snow.

"Old Liu! The front-line troops have sent a message! There is no living devil in the city! The third and fourth infantry divisions have already occupied the whole city! Do we want to enter the city?"

At this time, in the frontline headquarters of the Pingyuan Army, Zheng Daxing looked at Liu Kron and said.

"Forget it! After such bombing, there may not be many good buildings left in the city. I would rather be in this underground headquarters! At least it's not cold!"

Liu Klon turned around and looked at the charcoal stoves around him and said.

"Okay! Do we need to continue the pursuit?"

Zheng Daxing shrugged.

"Pursuit? No! We won't pursue for the time being! It's snowing heavily now. Let the soldiers build houses in the city. Don't suffer from frostbite because the weather is too cold!"

Liu Klon looked at the university road outside.

"That's not true! We are all northerners. We have been in such heavy snow since we were young. We are used to it. How could we get frostbite! But keeping warm is still necessary!"

"En! In addition, let's send some food up later!"

Liu Klon put down the binoculars and said.

"Huh? Old Liu, do you want to help those North Koreans?"

"You think too much! Even if I have the heart, the commander-in-chief's order cannot be disobeyed! It's just that Seoul needs to be cleaned up. So I plan to recruit North Koreans to clean up. I think it will be enough to give some food! They will be very happy! "

Liu Klonn doesn't have any good intentions.

He was originally a clone, no matter how intelligent he was, he still had a concept in his heart, that is, to complete Han Ling's mission as the standard, and Han Ling's appointment could not be resisted.

One day today, soldiers of the Pingyuan Army recruited many North Koreans who were shivering in the heavy snow.

Let them eat a hot meal first, and then let them start cleaning up Seoul.

The dead body, try to get out of the city and burn it.

Buildings in ruins, cleaned up.

Yesterday's shelling had a great effect.

Under the power of winter, the bombardment infinitely magnified the effect of the bombardment.

Many North Koreans who lost shelter from the cold because their houses were bombed and trampled to death were frozen to death in the heavy snow.

Until the moment of their death, their brows were not loosened.

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