These Koreans who survived by chance and were summoned by the Pingyuan Army had a difficult time cleaning up these corpses.

Many bodies were glued to the ground.

It takes a lot of effort to get them up.

As for these corpses, they felt like they were lifting a piece of ice.

Even harder than lifting a piece of ice.

The soldiers of the Pingyuan Army didn't take care of these things.

Just sent a small group of people to monitor these North Koreans.

Everyone else hid in their camp and rested by the fire.

The next day, the snow stopped.

The heavy snow finally stopped, and the Pingyuan Army began to move again.

They were dressed tightly and walked slowly in the snow.

Although this kind of marching speed is unbearably slow, even the marching is extremely exhausting for the soldiers.

Those artillery can only be placed in Seoul, and even the heavy weapons that can be carried are mortars.

Even heavy machine guns had to remain in Seoul.

Not everyone left Seoul this time.

Only the three infantry divisions, the [-]rd, [-]th, and [-]th infantry divisions, started from Seoul and headed south.

All their heavy weapons were left in Seoul.

Fortunately, their logistics supplies were airlifted by airship, otherwise, in such heavy snow weather, the logistics would be able to drive the logistics officer crazy.

Time passed slowly, and the Pingyuan Army advanced step by step in North Korea.

Han Ling is in Beiping, making drastic reforms.

Chapter 146: The Rising Hope

The marching speed of the Pingyuan Army in the snow was not fast, and neither was the Japanese army.

One side ran frantically for their lives in front, while the other side pursued them leisurely.

Time passed by like this, and the Japanese occupied area became smaller and smaller.

In the south of the Korean peninsula, next to Gimhae City in Busan.

"Your Excellency, if we pass here again, we will fall to Busan! There is no navy waiting for us!"

Wearing a thick military uniform jacket, Hayashi Mijuro looked at Higashikuni Toshihiko and said with a choked voice.

Higashikuni Minoruhiko also had a touch of excitement on his face when he heard Hayashi Mijuro's words.

It is already January [-], [-].

They have been on the run for nine days.

In this snowy day, it took nine days to escape and finally arrived here.

During these nine days, they traveled day and night, eating and sleeping in the open.

The originally rosy cheeks also turned blue because of the continuous rush for the past nine days.

And the expression on his face was also sluggish, as if he was about to fall down at any moment.

"It's finally here! Order the troops to work harder! As long as we reach Busan, we can go home!"

Higashikuru Toshihiko took a deep breath and said to Hayashi Mijuro beside him.


"Kawashima-kun! Your third division, please go ahead!"

After Hayashi Mijuro left, Higashikuni Toshihiko turned to Yoshinomo Kawashima, the commander of the Third Division beside him.

"Your Excellency, you"

"Don't talk about it! Although our retreat this time was ordered by His Majesty the Emperor, the responsibility for this defeat still needs to be borne by someone! You know the current domestic situation. We may have nothing to do with Hayashi Mijuro now, but Once they return to China, they will definitely use this to make trouble! My Second Division and I must not board the ship first. So Kawashima-san! Please!"

Higashikui Toshihiko bowed deeply to Yoshiyuki Kawashima after speaking.

His Second Division had to board the ship last, so that even if he would be punished after returning home, it would not be too severe.In addition, Hirohito triumphed in it, and maybe it will be relieved.

After all, as the supreme frontline commander of the Japanese army this time, he had to make some preparations.

As for the [-]th Division under the supervision of Hayashi Mijuro, let them go first!At that time, His Majesty the Emperor can also take this opportunity to attack them bravely.

After Higashikui Toshihiko let Kawashima Yoshiyuki's Third Division go first, the Third Division made a last effort and began to walk in front of the entire army.

A soldier walked in front of Higashikure Toshihiko.

Looking at the once majestic imperial army, Higashikuni Toshihiko felt extremely uncomfortable.

After nine days of marching, the imperial army, which looked bright at first, now looks like an army that is about to collapse at any time.

The physical strength of the soldiers is almost overdrawn to the limit.

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