Half an hour later, all the Japanese soldiers in this brigade were killed.

Then the soldiers of the First Infantry Division began to rush into the Japanese Concession in an all-round way.

The first thing they found were key places such as the Telegraph Office and the Concession Chief's Office.

The Japanese Concession was gone, and it was directly captured by the Pingyuan Army. Han Ling ordered all the little devils in it to gather and shoot them collectively.

This incident shocked all countries in the world. They did not expect the Pingyuan Army to be so cruel. None of the little devils in the Japanese Concession escaped.

As a result, countries all over the world began to criticize the Peking government.

Some countries even claimed that Han Ling should apologize to the little devil and compensate him.

At the same time, in another round of turmoil, Han Ling was also asked to return the little devil's concession and not to interfere with the concession.

Facing these things, Han Ling remained unmoved.

At the fourth level of the information base, the output of the weapon manufacturing base has been greatly increased. In addition, the naval manufacturing base has settled down. In North Korea, Shandong Peninsula, and Liaodong Peninsula, many giant artillery have been placed.

In addition, the reorganization of the entire army is coming to an end, and the air force has also expanded a lot.

The heavy artillery unit expanded even faster.

All of this made Han Ling's ambitions swell rapidly, and at the same time, he was no longer afraid of facing the countries of the world.

And the most important thing is that Han Ling knew that those people were just talking about it.

If you want them to take some practical actions, it is better to wait for the monkey to speak.

Now there is an atmosphere of war of terror in the whole of Europe.

Especially in countries such as Britain and France, the people in the country are already very afraid of war.

And Germany is at the lowest ebb of the economy. At this time, Mustache is planning all actions ambitiously, preparing to ascend to the pinnacle of national power.

And what about the United States?

There is a lot of talk, but the situation in their country is very bad.

It is now the spring of [-], and their domestic financial crisis has reached its climax.

There are unemployed people everywhere, and bankrupt businesses everywhere.

Many people don't even have to eat.

And the interior of Soviet Russia is not peaceful. The guy with the beard is planning to eradicate dissidents and kill those who oppose him.

Even thinking about cleaning up the army.

Then I plan to collect grain in Ukraine and come to a grain-for-machine program.

So they are all making trouble somewhere, and the possibility of sending troops is not very high.

However, Soviet Russia and the little devils also have a certain possibility of sending troops.

But Han Ling was not afraid, and beat him if he refused to accept it.

April [-], [-].

Faced with condemnation from all over the world, the newspapers under the control of the Peking government began to fight back.

Han Ling made a public statement in the newspaper, claiming that the agreement signed under the power is inherently unfair.

He does not think that such an unfair treaty has any legitimacy, let alone that such a treaty should be abided by.

At the end of the newspaper, Han Ling even publicly clamored for the threat of war.

Directly point the finger at the happiest little devil in trouble.

"I'm warning the kid, don't jump up and down here.

If you want to fight, I will accompany you!Pull out your respective armies and fight on the Korean peninsula for a few more years, let me see your clamoring strength.

Don't shout here like a clown, if you dare to shout, don't blame me for taking necessary measures! "

This is what Han Ling said publicly.

Openly clamoring for war to solve the problem in the newspapers.

When this word of blatantly calling for war was spread to all countries in the world, all countries in the world immediately felt that the world had changed.

When did Huaxia dare to openly call for war?

Who gave them the courage?

And when this newspaper spread to the little devils, it immediately aroused the anger of many young devils.

They claimed that they wanted to send troops to Huaxia immediately to eliminate the Beiping government that dared to underestimate them.

But the little devil's senior management was silent.

It's not that they haven't thought about sending troops to Huaxia, and even held an imperial meeting for this purpose.

But the results of the discussion were depressing.

According to the performance of the Pingyuan Army on the Korean Peninsula battlefield, the Pingyuan Army's army is undoubtedly very good.

Their individual combat quality is very good.

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