But their weapons made the little devil feel scared.

That kind of automatic firearm is too powerful, and they have a lot of heavy artillery.

Each infantry division was equipped with a heavy artillery regiment.

Such a firepower configuration is beyond their reach.

They are short of resources, and there is only one heavy artillery brigade in the whole country.

And put it away like a baby.

Generally, the brigade is commanded by a major general, but the brigade commander of the heavy artillery brigade has the rank of lieutenant general.

From here, it can be seen that the little devil attaches great importance to heavy artillery.

But compared with the Pingyuan Army, no heavy artillery brigade can do anything at all.

The little devil's silence shocked the jaws of all countries in the world!

The little devil was silent.

Facing this newly rising country, they were actually silent.

They have seen the arrogance of little devils before.

Don't take the countries of the world seriously.

But now it is silent in the face of a newly rising country.

In fact, little devils also have hardships, and the little devils of today are not the little devils of [-] years later.

Now their economy is withered, and the country's industry is not so developed.

Without the industry and resource support of the Northeast, their development can be said to be difficult.

And the military expenditure has been cut repeatedly before.

Although the country has a lot of reserves, it doesn't have enough military spending to arm them.

More than [-] people were eaten last time, and they haven't fully replenished.

Now if it is true that the Pingyuan Army fights again, the situation will be even worse.

As for fighting for a few years, I am afraid that it will not last for two years, and the economy will collapse.

The little devil was silent, but that didn't mean Han Ling would be silent.

April [-], [-].

Han Ling issued a suppression order.

Eliminate all the little devils within the scope of the Chinese Provisional Government.

As long as it is a little devil, he will never let it go.

All their property will be confiscated, and if they are young and strong, they will be distributed to build roads.

If you are not young and strong, there is no labor available.

Then get rid of it, and China's food must not be wasted on these beasts.

Chapter 164: Concession Recovery and Prelude to War

Han Ling's bloodthirsty action made countries all over the world have a clear understanding of this young commander.

"Oriental Butcher, Husband"

This is the title given to Han Ling by Westerners.

Since Han Ling stepped onto the political stage of China, he has been killing continuously.

Especially for little devils.

During the peninsula war, he personally ordered that not a single prisoner, but a dead body.

I don't know where this news came from.

Then people linked the Pingyuan Army's suppression operation this time together, thinking that he was the butcher of the East.

But Han Ling didn't care about the comments from the outside world, and even acted as if he didn't see them.

Every day they asked how many little devils had been executed.

Among them, the situation in the Northeast is the most serious.

Where there are a lot of little devils.

Especially many little devils and ronin, they all gathered in Fengtian.

Han Ling's suppression order executed the most little devils in the Northeast.

Xiyuan Military Headquarters, Beijing Imperial Palace

"Marshal! This time, you have become powerful. You have killed a lot of people!"

Jiang Baili took off his military cap, stroked his white hair and said.

"A lot? I don't think it's a lot! In the Jiawu period, countless Chinese men died in this war.

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