Among them, the forces in Jiangxi were hit particularly hard.The current situation is very dangerous.

"They have expanded their military in such a way, don't we need it?"

Seeing Han Ling lost in thought, Yasiqi couldn't help asking.

Although the Pingyuan Army now claims to have an army of one million.

In fact, there are only forty infantry divisions in the standing infantry division, and each infantry division has [-] soldiers.

There are only [-] people in total.

The others are artillery units, air forces, and so on.

The troops in the garrison area belong to the reserve force, and they will not go to the battlefield in the first place.

And the most important thing is that many of the troops in the garrison area are still in the recruit training camp.

The soldiers who were cut out before were filled into the security areas in various places, otherwise they would be a little empty.

"No need! Soldiers don't want more, but quality!

The Nanjing government's military expansion is fast, but their training is uneven.The equipment is also average.

They were all recruits again, and they had never even seen blood.The combat effectiveness of such an army is too weak, so there is no need to be afraid. "

Han Ling was not afraid to hear the figure of three million.

If you look at the early days of the Anti-Japanese War in history, the little devils fought more with less every time, but they always lost less and won more. What is the reason?

Just in terms of weapons and equipment and the quality of soldiers.

At that time, many of China's armies were mixed, with poor training, let alone weapons and equipment.

No matter how many troops you have, but your combat effectiveness is not good, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After Han Ling returned to the military headquarters from his mansion, he called a group of senior generals of the military headquarters to hold a military meeting.

"Everyone! I just got a piece of news that Western countries have loaned [-] million pounds to the Nanjing government. This is a huge amount. The Nanjing government is currently using this large amount of loans to expand its army and at the same time lend money to the Nanjing government. Xinyang, Lu'an, Hefei and other places sent an additional [-] troops.

Their purpose, I think you should be able to think of it.The military meeting I am going to convene today is not about how to deal with this war as a crisis, but how to fight the Huaihe River.

Our Pingyuan Army has never been afraid of war. If they want to fight, they will fight. Let me see how powerful the Central Army of the Nanjing Government is with this [-] million loan! "

Han Ling set the tone at the beginning of the military meeting.

Since they want to fight, let's fight!Let's see who can win.

"Master! Is this news true?"

There was a look of worry on Jiang Baili's face, he finally had a chance to develop, but now another war is about to break out.

"Of course it's true, take a look at the information!"

Han Ling left the information on the table.

Everyone started to circulate it.

This information is very accurate.

There are detailed records of how much it cost to expand an infantry division, who is the commander of the infantry division, and who is the head of the regiment.

There is even information about when they were appointed and when they took office.

Although I don't understand how Han Ling got it, all of this information means that the peace they have maintained with the Nanjing government for half a year is about to be broken.

Chapter 165: Chairman's Choice

"Marshal, do you really want to fight? Now our Pingyuan Army is in a critical period of reorganizing the army.

The forty infantry divisions of the army have been reorganized!

But the artillery has only reorganized eight heavy artillery divisions, and the air force has only reorganized six air divisions and four F bombing brigades.

As for the Z Bombing Brigade, there is only one and a half squadrons at present, not even two squadrons!

As for the ten armored divisions we are going to form, only one armored division is currently formed, and the second armored division forms a regiment. "

Zhang Hanqing looked at Han Ling and asked worriedly.

"Do you still think so?"

Han Ling didn't answer Zhang Hanqing, but turned to look at the crowd below.

The people below, those human beings, naturally looked worried.

Because they were all frightened by the numbers of the Nanjing government troops.

The Central Army has more than three million troops, and there are other miscellaneous troops, etc., which add up to at least five million.

And how many troops do they have?

There are only [-] field infantry divisions, with [-] to [-] people.

The difference is too big!

"You guys! I'm still shocked by the huge number of nothingness. Combat is not based on the number of people, but on weapons and equipment, training quality and overall coordination.

In terms of numbers, we are smaller than them, but that doesn't mean we can't beat them.In modern warfare, numbers are no longer the key to victory.

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