This battle, the commander-in-chief has already made a decision, it must be fought!

Since the chairman wants to tease our beards, let him try and see if he is good! "

Han Ling made a complete decision to fight!

We must fight the Nanjing government.

Now that Han Ling had made up his mind, the Pingyuan Army naturally began to move.

April [-], [-].

Han Ling ordered the establishment of the First Army of the Pingyuan Army, with Li Longke as the commander of the First Army.

The First Army has under its jurisdiction the First Infantry Division, the Fifteenth Division, the First Heavy Artillery Division, and the Tank Regiment, with a total of more than [-] people.

What I want to say here is that the tank regiments equipped by the military-level units below are not Type 29 medium tanks, but light tanks.

As I said before, the weapon manufacturing base can produce medium tanks and light tanks, but heavy tanks are not produced.

The armored division formed by Han Ling was also completely formed with armored vehicles and medium tanks.

As for light tanks, Han Ling planned to use them later to train tankers.

The daily output of Type 29 medium tanks is five.

The production of light tanks was eight.

So during this time, hundreds of light tanks were also produced.

It's just that Han Ling only sent out half of it.

The other half is in my hands.

Now that temporary combat units are established, these light tanks can just be dispatched.

Medium tanks, as the current main battle tanks, their current task is to form armored divisions as soon as possible.

As for how powerful a light tank can be.

It's not that Han Ling looked down on the Nanjing government's army.

Their weapons and equipment are really poor.

No anti-tank guns, no anti-tank guns, no effective anti-tank weapons.

Even if it is a light tank, they have to go through a lot of trouble.

Just like the war of resistance in history.

The little devil's thin-skinned tanks can exert great power, so there's no reason why his light tanks can't exert their power?

The Second Army of the Pingyuan Army was established, under the jurisdiction of the Second Infantry Division, the Sixteenth Division, the Second Heavy Artillery Division, and the Tank Regiment, with Jin Ke as the commander of the lieutenant general.

The third army of the Pingyuan Army was established, under the jurisdiction of the third infantry division, the seventeenth division, the third heavy artillery division, and the tank regiment.Zhang Jinke served as the commander of the lieutenant general.

The Fourth Army of the Pingyuan Army was formed, under the jurisdiction of the Tenth and Twenty Infantry Divisions, the Fourth Heavy Artillery Division, and the Tank Regiment.Wang Gan served as the commander of the lieutenant general.

The Fifth Army of the Pingyuan Army was established, under the jurisdiction of the [-]th Infantry Division, the [-]st Division, and the Tank Regiment, with Wang Dayong as the commander of the lieutenant general.

The Sixth Army of the Pingyuan Army was established, under the jurisdiction of the [-]th Division, the [-]nd Division, and the Tank Regiment, with Qian Lin as the commander of the lieutenant general.

All six armies took the train of Jinpu Railway and began to go south to Xuzhou.

The six armies, plus their logistics personnel, more than [-] troops began to travel south by train.

And when the six armies went south, Han Ling gave another order.

Order the First Air Division, the Second Air Division, and the four F bombing brigades to go south to support the ground troops in operations.

In addition to the six armies and twelve infantry divisions mobilized, Han Ling also mobilized eight infantry divisions to go south to defend the banks of the Huaihe River.

Han Ling's purpose is obvious, that is to make a breakthrough.

Defend in other places, and focus on attacking in one place.

As long as this place is won, the troops crossing the river will start attacking along the Huaihe River.

After capturing the banks of the Huaihe River, the eight infantry divisions also began to fight across the river.

As for the withdrawal of troops, the defense of the interior.

Is this the problem?

The garrison military districts in various provinces are not for nothing.

The big move of the Pingyuan Army made the chairman start to get nervous.

A few months ago, the military parade of the Pingyuan Army still lingered in his mind.

That momentum, that kind of courage to dare to fight the world, is still fresh in his memory.

This time, don't look at him mobilizing [-] troops to deploy along the Huaihe River, but he didn't dare to attack the Beiping government at all.

He knows exactly how much he weighs.

Although this period of time is a large military expansion.

But because of the large-scale military expansion, there are too many recruits.

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