The number of people has increased, but the combat effectiveness has decreased.

And mobilizing [-] troops to deploy along the Huaihe River, to put it bluntly, is just a show.

After all, the purpose of those countries' loans to him is to hope that he can kill the Pingyuan Army.

He was not clear about the conflicts between the Peking government and those countries some time ago.

Nanjing, the official residence of the leader

"Now the Pingyuan Army has begun to go south! What do you think about this?"

The chairman was wearing a military uniform, standing at the top, looking at the military generals below and said.

Today's meeting can be said to be specially convened by him.

He has already received the news about Pingyuan's army going south.

But how to deal with it is a question.

"Committee! Let's fight! This time we have an army of five million, and it is impossible for the Pingyuan Army to defeat us!"

It was Liu Zhi who stood up and spoke, for the general who hadn't fought much last time.

Liu Zhi was very unconvinced in his heart.

For the last failure, he has always been unwilling in his heart.

This time when they heard that the Pingyuan Army was going south and they were going to fight with the Pingyuan Army, they immediately stood up and said loudly.

"Principal! Yes! Let's fight! Could it be that our five million army is afraid of him?"

Chen Cheng also stood up, looked at the Chairman and said.

"That's right! Appointment! Let's fight! They have mobilized their forces, should we be afraid of them?"

"let's hit!"

"Appointment! I would like to be a pioneer!"

All the people below were yelling and beating.

The chairman didn't speak. He knew the reason why these people dared to shout and beat them.

It is because the number of our own side has a great advantage.

There are more than five million troops on our side, which sounds like a lot.

The Pingyuan Army has a total of only one million troops, and this time there are only more than [-] troops.

In front of the five million army, it seemed so insignificant.

"Do you all think so?"

After a while, the chairman glanced around and said.

"Committee! Last time you said that the Pingyuan Army was going to fight the Japanese, so we stopped. This time the Pingyuan Army didn't fight the Japanese, so we should fight.

Otherwise, we should have been unified long ago!Now because of the Pingyuan Army, our Huaxia is actually split, we should fight! "

A general stood up and looked at the chairman and said loudly.

"Okay! Since we want to fight, let's fight once! Now I order!"

It seems that the advantage of the number of people also gave the chairman a lot of confidence, and he has to make up his mind to fight.

"Liu Zhi, I appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the Central Army. Command the [-] Central Army in Hefei and other places, and attack from Bengfu City to the south bank of the Huaihe River!"


"Gu Zhutong, I appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the East Route Army. I will give you an army of [-]. You will attack the Pingyuan Army from the Huai'an area!"


"Chen Cheng, I appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the West Route Army, and I will give you [-] troops to attack the Pingyuan Army from the Xinyang area!"


After the chairman made such an appointment, he looked at the generals and said: "Everyone! On the occasion of the establishment of the party and the country, I hope that all colleagues will work together to fight against Pingyuan and strive to unify China as soon as possible, for the great cause of the party and the country. Make meritorious deeds!"

"Walk through fire and water, do whatever you want!"

All the generals stood up and shouted loudly.

It's just that no one knows what is in his heart.

A series of appointments by the Chairman were placed on Han Ling's desk half an hour later.

"Hmph! An army of [-] million! The chairman is really a big hand. Do you think that this [-] million garbage can solve my Pingyuan army?"

Han Ling sneered when he saw the information.

"Come on! Give me an order, and the Third Air Division will immediately go south to the Xinyang area to assist the army's defense there.

The Fourth Air Division immediately went south to the Huai'an area to assist the ground troops there in defense.In addition, a front-line headquarters was established immediately, with Li Longke, the commander of the first army, as the commander-in-chief of the front line, and Jin Ke, the commander of the second army, as the deputy commander-in-chief.

Tell them to defeat the central army of the Nanjing government from the front.

I want to tell the chairman that a large army composed of a group of low-level troops is nothing but rubbish after all! "

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