Sun Desheng's hand-to-hand combat is just the epitome of the whole war.

The First Army relied on this kind of battalion to defeat an infantry regiment of the Central Army, and even more records, to kill an entire division of the Central Army.

As for the five infantry divisions in Hu Zongnan's hands, except for the first and second divisions, the remaining seventy-seventh divisions, seventy-eighth divisions, and seventy-ninth divisions were all disabled by the Pingyuan Army. , It can even be said that it is on the verge of being wiped out.

The three infantry divisions had nearly [-] people, and they were beaten by the First Army without the slightest ability to fight back.

Under such circumstances, when the first army was about to eat up the remaining troops on the opposite side, the sky began to slowly darken.

As night fell, the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army restrained the corpses that had been fighting during the day.

Those that should be burned are burned, and those that are still alive are sent to the field hospital in the rear.

If the injury is too serious, simple treatment will be carried out in the field hospital to save his life, and then he will be transported to the nearest police hospital by airship overnight.

At the same time, the logistics troops of the Pingyuan Army delivered logistics supplies to the soldiers of various troops.

Now is the time of war, and there are no more fruits.

It is best to have large pieces of pork, canned pork, or white noodles.

These things are normal for the Pingyuan Army and can no longer be normal, but when this scent floats to the Central Army not far away from them.

There was a sudden commotion.

They hadn't eaten meat for a long time, and when they smelled the aroma of this meat, they felt salivating.

"How many casualties in our army today? Have all the statistics been calculated?"

Li Longke sat in the headquarters, looking at Jin Kedao.

"It hasn't been sent to the headquarters yet, so I don't know yet!"

Jin Ke shook his head.

"Report! The frontline troops have sent casualty statistics!"

At this time, a communications staff officer walked in and said loudly.

"bring here!"

Jin Ke took the telegrams and began to read them, and then began to summarize the casualty data.

After a while, Jin Ke handed over the message in his hand and said: "The casualties of each unit are not large. The total number of casualties in the whole army is only more than [-] people, and more than [-] people were injured. Among them, [-] people were slightly injured. There are many people. There are about [-] people who are moderately injured, and only a few dozen people who are seriously injured!"

After reading the telegram, Li Longke said: "Well! Those with minor and moderate injuries will be sent to the field hospital. For the dozens of serious injuries, contact the Anhui Garrison Hospital and ask them to prepare everything later. Let the airship send the dead soldiers to the rear logistics force, contact the airship force, let them take the remains of these soldiers back when they go back, and let their relatives see them for the last time tomorrow.

As for the remains of those Central Army soldiers, burn them!

The weather temperature has started to rise.It's easy to stink in there. "

"Okay! I'll deliver the order right away!"

The Type 29 airship brought about by the upgrade of the information database later became busy all night tonight. They carried the remains of the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army overnight.

They want the relatives of these soldiers to see them for the last time.

This rule was specially issued by Han Ling.

In this era when human lives are so precious, Han Ling's actions bought the hearts of all the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army.

This is also one of the reasons why the Pingyuan Army was established not long ago, and many soldiers did not join in for a long time, but they fought bravely without fear of death.

Early in the morning, a ray of sunlight begins to appear on the horizon.

The sun began to rise slowly.

After a simple breakfast, the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army began to prepare again.

Last night, the logistics force delivered the logistics supplies to the soldiers.

The ammunition of the artillery unit has also been greatly supplemented.

"How are the troops preparing? Where's the enemy troops?"

Li Longke also got up very early. It was only after six o'clock, and he had already put on everything and stood in the headquarters to ask about the situation of the troops.

"All units are ready. The First Army is even ready to attack! The Central Army of the Nanking Government is also ready.

According to the report of the frontier reconnaissance force this morning, the Central Army deployed another eight infantry divisions last night, and about [-] troops went to the front line.

It seems that they are ready to die! "

Jin Ke looked at Li Longke and said.

"One hundred thousand people? What's the situation on the side of the Third Army?"

Li Longke asked after frowning.

"There are [-] people from the Third Army attacking them. Zhang Jinke, the commander of the Third Army, sent a telegram saying that they can block it.

The Central Army has a large number of people, but the weapons and equipment are low, the quality of individual soldiers is not high, and the combat effectiveness is unexpectedly low! "

"En! That's good. If that's the case, let's fight! Send an order to the First Army, ordering them to defeat the enemy in front of them today and fight to Longzi Lake. If you give them more time, wait until they mobilize all the troops. Come here, we are not so easy to fight!"


The Pingyuan Army began to attack again. With the support of the air force and artillery units, they began to step on corpses of the corpses of the Central Army and launched a fierce attack.

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