Radio waves calling for air support flew towards the air fingers, and fighter planes dived towards the Central Army of the Nanjing Government with the roar of engines and the roar of death.

One after another, heavy aerial bombs began to explode on the positions of the Central Army.

Liu Zhi continued to transfer the troops behind to the front line.

Now there are more than [-] troops on the front line.

But they had no power to fight back against the attack of the five armies of the Pingyuan Army.

And the tank regiments of the five armies also began to gather slowly under Li Longke's order.

Once the five tank regiments were assembled, Li Longke would wave his baton without hesitation and let them start to attack Fengyang.

Chapter 171: Kill you seven in and seven out

Pingyuan Army Frontline Command

"The five tank regiments have all gathered. The First Army is almost reaching Longzi Lake!"

Jin Ke imitated a telegram, looked at Li Longke and said.

"All gathered? Very good! Contact Airfinger and ask them to use at least one brigade of bombers to cover our tank attack! This time we will hit him with a blitzkrieg!"

Li Longke turned to look at Jin Ke, and said with burning eyes.

"Okay! I'll give the order right away!"

"Wait a minute, then order the Second Army and Fourth Army to attack the south of Longzi Lake, and the Fifth Army to follow the First Army to attack the north of Longzi Lake. In addition, the Sixth Army will gather in the central area of ​​Yanshan and Qinji Town. The three armies form a defensive front here, so that they are ready to counterattack at any time.

Remember, you must create a false impression for the Central Army.We don't have enough troops, so we can only defend and attack at the same time.Otherwise, if they retreat in an orderly manner, our plan will fail! "

"I see, I'll give the order right away!"

After Jin Ke finished speaking, he went to give Li Longke's order.

"The frontline command ordered us to launch an assault on the enemy immediately! The air force will provide air support to us in ten minutes!"

In the joint headquarters of the five tank regiments, a correspondent ran in and said loudly.

"I see! You go down!"


After the correspondent went out, the head of the tank regiment glanced at the other four heads.

The heads of the five tank regiments are all clones.

"The front finger has issued an order! Everyone, let's start to act!"

There is nothing to say about the obedience of the clones, and the discipline is also very good.

After Li Longke's order was conveyed to the following, the five tank regiments, more than [-] vehicles, and nearly [-] light tanks began to mobilize.

The tanks started to gallop towards the enemy's position, emitting green smoke.

Opposite them is Tang Enbo of the Central Army of the Nanjing Government.

At this time, Tang Enbo was favored by the chairman of the committee, and he was the commander of the 89th Division of the Central Army and concurrently served as the commander of the Fourth Division.

The Fourth Division is the elite of the Central Army. Whether it is weapons, equipment or personnel, it is a unit with a tilted focus.

And the 89th Division can also be said to be elite.

Because he was adapted from the Tax Police Corps.

Weapons and equipment received Song Ziwen's attention.

Some time ago, some of the German equipment aided by Germany was in the 89th Division.

However, although this 89th division can also be called a German weapon master, it is very different from the German weapon masters in history.

First of all, the German armorers in history were trained by German military consultants, and their weapons and equipment were closer to the German army.

But the 89th Division here has very few heavy weapons in terms of weapons and equipment, and is almost in a vacuum.

And neither does training.

German military advisers did not join in either.

You know, the current mustache has not yet come to power.

Germany will not join these yet.

The key reason why Germany has such a relationship with the chairman now is that the chairman needs weapons. Germany's economy is bad and resources are scarce.

You can buy resources from Huaxia, and you can also sell weapons to supplement your own economy.

Before Mustache came to power, Germany had no ambition to dominate.

So this 89th division is not the 89th division in history.

Tang Enbo, a figure with mixed reputation in history.

Although this person can be regarded as rebellious, he still has real abilities.

Now he is in charge of not only these two infantry divisions, but also the other six infantry divisions.

A total of eight infantry divisions, [-] people.

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