When five tank regiments, under the cover of aircraft and artillery, launched a blitzkrieg against the positions of the Central Army with green smoke, the world's first blitzkrieg was staged.




The 37mm tank gun on the light tank continuously fired shells.

And the dive bombers in the sky are also covering the assault of the ground forces.

In order not to hurt its own troops, the artillery troops stopped shelling.

The assault of more than [-] tanks shocked the soldiers of the Central Army.

They had never seen such a large-scale tank assault.

Not even they have seen so many tanks.

The Nanjing government also has tanks, but not many, only a dozen or so, and they are all old-fashioned tanks.

In many cases, minor bumps and bumps require repairs.

The rumbling tanks rushed to their positions amidst the stunned expressions of the soldiers of the Central Army.

The Central Army soldiers didn't know what to do.

Machine gun fire, grenade explosion, smash with gun butt

Waiting for a solution is useless.

There was machine gun fire on it, and there was nothing but a few sparks.

This kind of tank with front equipment only more than ten millimeters, if it fights against the Soviet army.

I'm afraid that if they don't even have any results, they will be destroyed on the way to charge.

But facing the Central Army, they are a symbol of invincibility.

No anti-tank weapons, no anti-tank guns, no anti-tank guns.

All anti-materiel weapons are absent.

In the explosion of tank guns and aerial bombs, a soldier of the Central Army fell to the ground with eyes wide open.

The machine guns on the tanks began to fire continuously, and the soldiers of the Central Army could only fall helplessly to the ground.

One after another tanks crossed the hillside and across the fields, attacking the soldiers of the Central Army in front.

The iron-blooded man's flag on the tank command vehicle fluttered high.

The blue smoke from the tank engine floated in the air.

On the ground below them, there are countless soldiers of the Central Army.

The tank regiment of the Pingyuan Army succeeded.

They easily tore through the defense line of the Central Army.

He defeated the Central Army with lightning speed.

More than [-] light tanks drove towards Fengyang mightily.

Along the way, no troops could successfully stop them.

Hillsides, fields, villages, etc., countless landscapes follow.

The tank regiment of the Pingyuan Army, the charge of more than [-] tanks broke the situation of this war.

They completely changed the pattern of warfare.

Behind them were the Second and Fourth Armies of the Pingyuan Army.

They were ordered to follow behind the tank regiment and attack.

When they prepared everything for a fierce battle, they suddenly discovered that the battle became easier.

Following behind the tanks, they saw with their own eyes that the Central Army was defeated like a group of chickens and dogs.

The formation of the Central Army was disrupted.

Under the leadership of the officers, they rushed to the position of the Central Army after the tanks flew away in dust.

After the five tank regiments passed, it was a mess.

There are corpses everywhere.

Those who were killed by machine guns were even better, at least one whole body could be left behind.

However, among the corpses blown up by tank guns and aerial bombs, there was no complete corpse to be seen.

Some were even worse. They were directly run over by tanks.

The whole body was disfigured.

A light tank weighs more than ten tons.

In terms of the entire tank, a tank of more than ten tons is really terrible.

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