However, the weight of more than ten tons crushed on the human body can kill you countless times.

The eight infantry divisions in Tang Enbo's hands were broken through by tank regiments one by one, but he had nothing to do.

"Master! The [-]th Division was broken through by armored vehicles of the Pingyuan Army, and is now charging towards our headquarters! Master, let's withdraw quickly! If we don't withdraw, it will be too late!"

In Tang Enbo's headquarters, a staff officer ran in with a mournful face.

"What? The [-]th Division was also defeated? How is this possible? There are so many tanks from them?"

Tang Enbo is going crazy!

Seven of my eight infantry divisions were defeated for no reason.

Don't even know what happened.

Seven infantry divisions!That is, one morning plus one noon is defeated.

It was just past two o'clock in the afternoon!

How did this battle go?

He is a little unclear.

"Immediately send an inquiry telegram to the frontline troops and ask them what is going on?"

Tang Enbo said suddenly after walking around the headquarters a few times.


Tang Enbo's bad luck was not over yet. The five tank regiments did not stop after breaking through the 89th Division. On the contrary, they continued to break through to the Fourth Division of the Central Army.

Behind the tank regiment, there are two infantry corps following up.

Their speed is not as fast as tank regiments, not even a third.

After they rushed to the position of the Central Army, the fierce battle they imagined did not appear.

What emerged was a one-sided war.

After some fierce resistance elements were wiped out, large numbers of Central Army chose to surrender.

They raised their weapons high above their heads, and under the supervision of soldiers of the Pingyuan Army, they walked into the prisoner-of-war camp set up by the Pingyuan Army.

A soldier of the Pingyuan Army guarded a company or even two companies of the Central Army soldiers, but no one resisted.

In this way, they walked into the prisoner-of-war camp of the Pingyuan Army.

All the way, all the way captive.

Countless soldiers of the Central Army have no desire to fight after experiencing the blitzkrieg of the tank regiment.

And the tank regiment here is still assaulting, the fourth division, even though he claims to be the elite of the Central Army.

But facing more than [-] tanks, they were still quickly defeated.

After defeating these infantry divisions, the tank regiment did not continue to rush towards Fengyang, but turned around and killed the central army with a carbine.

The Central Army, which was already in a mess, raised their weapons in fear after seeing those steel monsters come back.

He lifted them high above his head.

Chapter 172 : Survive or Die?

As night fell, the five tank regiments joined the army.

The soldiers of the tank regiment drove the tank for almost a day's charge.

Although they are clones, they are still human at bottom, and they get tired.

Some soldiers gathered in twos and threes to eat a rare dinner.

In the distance around are soldiers on guard.

And behind them was the captive camp.

Countless central troops just sat on the ground like this.

Surrounding them were soldiers guarding them.

These soldiers of the Central Army were frightened out of their courage when facing the tank charge during the day.

As night fell, the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army were resting and eating dinner, while some of the Central Army were running frantically for their lives, not even caring about their own troops.

And these people are naturally Tang Enbo, his command staff and security personnel.

This afternoon, five tank regiments attacked the positions of the [-]th Division together.

It didn't take long to break through the fourth division's position, turning the formation of the fourth division upside down.

After Tang Enbo knew the news, he immediately sent a telegram to the troops below to retreat.

Then he fled in a hurry with his headquarters.

Even some confidential documents were too late to be burned.

He was afraid of being captured by the Pingyuan Army.

He brought the remnants of his defeated generals, and he didn't dare to go to Liu Zhi.

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