Trustworthy, punctual, study hard, practice diligently, love school, patriotism

This is the school motto of Baoding Military Academy, which they will never forget.

In history, how many generals from Baoding Military Academy were cowards on the anti-Japanese battlefield?

Facing the Japanese attack, Hao Mengling would rather die than retreat, and died on the battlefield, becoming the first lieutenant general to die in the War of Resistance.

Whether it was Zhang Zhizhong, Luo Zhuoying, or Xue Yue, who had been vague about the war of resistance?

"Don't you know what to say? Don't you know what to say? If that's the case, let me say it!"

Looking at the confusion in his students' eyes, Jiang Baili looked at them and said.

"You are soldiers of China. The dream of our soldiers is to break into the sky of China. But look at what you are doing now.

Leading troops to fight for the Nanjing government, completely forgetting that he is a Chinese soldier.

Maybe the former National Congress Party was a good choice, because he made the Northern Expedition, because he wanted to rid China of foreigners.

But now?

The Nanjing government has changed.

The officials at the lower level eat nothing but fruit, corruption is rampant, and they lack practical attention to the comprehensive construction of the country and the people's livelihood.

This time, the Nanjing government launched a war with the support of the Omi countries, wanting to retaliate against the Beiping government for taking back the concession and customs rights some time ago.Is such a government worthy of your allegiance?

Is such a government the government of China?

On the first day you entered the school, I told you that the school motto of Baoding Military Academy is trustworthiness, punctuality, hard study, hard work, love for the school, and patriotism.

You have done a good job in the previous points, but what about patriotism?

You are fighting for those foreigners now, and you are acting as thugs for those foreigners.

They loaned [-] million yuan to the Nanjing government and asked you to be their thugs.

Are you still obsessed with loyalty to the Nanjing government now?Does it deserve your allegiance?

I once said that all students who come out of Baoding Military Academy should remember these six school mottos, but look at your current situation?

I am ashamed to say that you are my students when I go out, because I am afraid of losing face!

I was afraid that someone would point to my spine and say: Look, this is the man who taught a group of students who were thugs for foreigners! "

Where did Jiang Baili speak bitterly, but the group below were speechless.

Gu Zhutong and the others buried their heads deeply.

They felt that what their principal said was right, they were indeed thugs of foreigners.

They kept the school motto in mind, but they failed to do it.

Jiang Baili was still saying sadly there, Gu Zhutong and the others were ashamed to see their principal.

"Why did I come this time? I just came to wake you up. Open your eyes and see the world clearly.

A government that has been reduced to foreign thugs, is he a qualified government?

I don't care about the domineering British fleet in the Yangtze River, and I don't care about the domineering little devils in Shanghai.

But because of mere money, they fought against the Beiping government, mobilized and expanded the army by millions, and mobilized millions of troops to crusade.

What are they here for?What are you here to hunt down?

Are you still Chinese soldiers?

Is it wrong for the Beiping government to take back the concession and the customs rights?

Why didn't those foreigners dare to directly attack the Beiping government with artillery?

Why does the little devil only dare to shout at the side now, but not to send troops?

All this is because behind the Beiping government are more than [-] million Chinese people supporting them.

Now that you have become thugs of foreigners, fighting against your own people, are you still worthy of being called Chinese soldiers? "

"Principal! Stop talking, we are wrong!"

Gu Zhutong and the others almost knelt down.These are questions they have never thought about before, and they have never considered them.

Now Jiang Baili's words hit their heads like a slap in the face.

"Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference! Why didn't you vote for the Beiping government before? Was it because you were afraid of the condemnation of those newspapers? Wrong!

You are so wrong.Those newspapers are sharp-tongued.

But they are also Chinese. Look at the war between the Peking government and the Nanjing government until now.Who in those newspapers scolded the Peking government?

Which newspaper does not praise the Peking government?

Which newspaper is supporting the Nanjing government?

Don't you understand?

Those literati have already seen it, and they already know the details.

So now they are firmly on the side of the Peking government.

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