But if you still stand on the side of the Nanjing government, this is the real way to be cast aside by the people and scolded by Qing Shi! "

After Jiang Baili finished speaking, he picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, then looked at the students who were ashamed and said, "Now do you understand what you should do?"

"Students understand!"

Everyone lowered their heads.

"Just understand! You have to remember that you are a Chinese soldier. The military uniform you are wearing is not a Chinese military uniform. Don't eat Chinese food and wear a foreigner's military uniform. Then you are not worthy of being my Jiang Baili Students! Do you understand?"

This time Jiang Baili's trip to Jiangsu can be said to be very successful.

Gu Zhutong and the others immediately agreed to vote for the Peking government.

Then that afternoon, Gu Zhutong asked Hao Mengling and the others to go down and gather those graduates from Baoding Military Academy, and secretly gathered them together.

And Jiang Baili also personally met these former students in a secret room.

These people were very excited to see the headmaster actually came.

Then Jiang Baili explained the truth to them again.

No one objected to surrender.

Everyone firmly supported the principal's decision to join the Pingyuan Army.

The next day, Gu Zhutong held an enlarged military meeting again.

Anyone at the rank of major general is required to participate.

"Everyone, I convened this enlarged meeting today because I have something to announce!"

Gu Zhutong stood at the top, looked at the generals below and said.

Gu Zhutong glanced at the group of people below before saying: "Now I have decided to change my flag, join the Pingyuan Army, and accept the leadership of Marshal Han!"

"What? Join the Pingyuan Army?"

"How is this going?"

It wasn't until Gu Zhutong's voice fell that the people below were dumbfounded.

Afterwards, many people criticized Gu Zhutong, and they also declared that they would report this situation to the chairman of the committee.

Gu Zhutong was not surprised at all. These people were either from the Whampoa Military Academy, or they were from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

They are all loyal members of the chairman.

After Gu Zhutong's security forces came in and arrested the loyalists of the Chairman, the conference room fell silent.

The rest are people from Baoding Military Academy and those who are neutral.

"Everyone! Now I have made a decision. If you want to join the Pingyuan Army, we welcome it. If you don't want to join, take off your military uniform, put down your guns, give up the army, and go out from here to be an ordinary person. Don't blame me for being cruel and cruel!"

Gu Zhutong looked at the people below and said.

Those people looked at each other, and they felt that they had only joined.

If they don't join, it will be difficult for them to get out.

Gu Zhutong said that if he didn't want to join, he could take off his military uniform and leave.

But they don't believe this kind of words, this is to deceive children.

Finally joined.

Gu Zhutong didn't care if they were sincere or not.

Anyway, after the event, the army must be reorganized.It's not sincere, just get rid of it when the time comes.

After sorting out the top ranks, Gu Zhutong began to clean up the bottom ranks of the army.

Many people from the Whampoa Military Academy were arrested.

However, Gu Zhutong did not execute them, but prepared to hand them over to Han Ling.

After all, this is his first nomination certificate.

May [-], [-]

After everything was ready, Gu Zhutong immediately issued a telegram, Xuancheng and the others immediately left the Nanjing government, joined the Peking government, and accepted the leadership of Han Ling.

And Han Ling's response was also quick, and he called back immediately to welcome Gu Zhutong and a series of generals to join the Pingyuan Army.

Afterwards, the newspapers of the Beiping government praised Gu Zhutong for understanding the overall situation and not becoming a lackey of foreigners.

When these newspapers were passed into Gu Zhutong's hands, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Fortunately, I made the right choice at the beginning, otherwise they would have scolded me bloody.

Chapter 177: Five Nations Intervention

Nanjing Leader's Mansion

"Mother Xipi! White-eyed wolf!"

The chairman was wearing a robe, walking up and down the hall, still cursing Niang Xipi in his mouth.

Gu Zhutong's move caught him off guard.

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