It took a long time for Han Ling to calm himself down.

"Order the twelve infantry divisions sent out from here to station in the area south of the Huaihe River and north of the Yangtze River. Strictly guard against the movements of the Nanjing government.

In addition, Jiangsu Garrison Zone, Anhui Garrison Zone, and Hubei Garrison Zone are designated as special security zones.

Each garrison has eight infantry divisions.Closely monitor the movements south of the Yangtze River.

Gu Zhutong's [-] troops were all sent to the garrison areas in Henan, Hebei, Shandong and other places for reorganization.

Order Jiang Baili, Gu Zhutong and others to rush back to Peiping immediately by airship.

The rest of the Pingyuan Army was brought back to the original station by Li Longke! "

After Han Ling finished speaking, he sat down and rubbed his forehead.

Looking at Han Ling's appearance, Zhang Hanqing couldn't bear it.

Han Ling was under too much pressure.

At the age of only 22 years old, he has undertaken important military and political affairs of a big country.

Young shoulders have to carry everything north of the Yangtze River.

The Beiping government gave up recovering the area south of the Yangtze River, and Britain, France, Germany, the Soviet Union and Japan were happy.

But the entire Beiping government was filled with anger.

May [-], [-]

A few days after this incident, Han Ling gave his first speech at Chengtianmen, which can also be said to be his first public appearance.

Countless newspaper reporters came early, and they wanted to know how Han Ling was doing.

When the incident happened a few days ago, the Pingyuan Army had to give up recovering the area south of the Yangtze River, and the reason was foreign interference, which made all the newspapers scold.

At the same time, the Nanjing government was also scolded as traitors, traitors and so on.

In the past few days, they only knew from the gossip that Marshal Han was always in a rage.But don't know his current situation.

"Heqing, do you think the commander-in-chief can bear it? He is still so young, but he has to bear so much!"

Zhou Shuren and Cai Yuanpei also came, representing Peking University.

Han Ling's current situation has always been their concern.

Why did education in the north of the Yangtze River develop so rapidly?

Why are primary schools, junior high schools, and even a large number of literacy classes established everywhere?

All of this was established with the support of Han Ling.

And Han Ling's youth also let them see the hope of Huaxia's rise.

The rise of a country takes many years.

More than ten years, more than twenty years or even more than thirty years.

For others, more than thirty years later, it is a question of whether he is still there.

But Han Ling, who is only 22 years old, as long as he can lead Huaxia, he will definitely lead Huaxia to rise.

He still has a lot of time, which is why so many literati are so optimistic about Han Ling.

They even did not hesitate to continue to build momentum for Han Ling.

Because they saw the hope of China's rise in Han Ling.

But now it was also because of his age, Zhou Shuren and the others were afraid that Han Ling would not be able to bear such a blow.

"I can bear it! He will definitely be able to bear it! Yucai, believe in our commander-in-chief, believe in our choice. Huaxia still needs him, needs him to be the commander. He will definitely be able to bear it."

Cai Yuanpei patted Zhou Shuren's shoulder fiercely, and said firmly.

"The handsome man is here!"

As soon as Cai Yuanpei's words fell, the crowd was in a commotion.

Then a convoy came from a distance.

Han Ling walked down under the protection of a group of people.

Not seeing each other for a few days, Han Ling has changed.

There seemed to be a sharp and chilling smell about him.

But the cheeks seem to be a little thinner.

After Han Ling got out of the car, his face remained expressionless, and he walked straight to the gate of Chengtian Gate.

Where the microphones are already prepared.

This time, what Han Ling will face in his speech will no longer be a place in Beiping.

But everything north of the Yangtze River.

In the previous week, the airships carried a large number of radios, broadcasts and other things and began to place a large number of them north of the Yangtze River.

It will come in handy today.

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