"My compatriots in China, hello everyone! Today is May [-]th, the eighth day after our failure in the Battle of Crossing the River."

Han Ling's voice was transmitted through the microphone to the streets and alleys, to the towns, to the countryside, and to the fields.

Even Han Ling's voice could be heard in the chairman's office.

"That's right! We failed. Under the interference of those foreigners, we had to give up the battle of crossing the river, and we had to give up the opportunity to unify China now.

For this reason, these days I am deeply blaming myself.

Am I not trying hard enough?

Am I paying too little?

Could it be that the Pingyuan Army was so smooth that it failed in the great cause of unifying China?

These days, I indulge myself in government affairs and in military affairs.I wish I could forget about this failure.

But I found that I can't.I found myself unable to get over this failure.He remained in my heart like a psychological shadow. "

There was grief, anger, and deep self-blame in Han Ling's voice.

Everyone felt the bleakness in Han Ling.

Eyes have become moist for many years.

"These days I have reflected, I have been tortured constantly. I have once again made my goals clear.

Those foreigners don't want us to be strong, but we just want to be strong.Foreigners don't want us to unify, but I just want to unify China.

the Rainbow comes after the storm?

This past thing has become a piece of history.

A history of humiliation should be remembered by us, and we should also work hard in this history.

What this period of history has left us is the heartrending grief, the inexhaustible blood and tears, the eternal memory of heroes and magnificent epics, but also the desire for peace, the hope of never fighting again, and the determination to strengthen the country and enrich the people. !

Peace is what we yearn for.Never fight again, it's a thing of the imagination.

To achieve domestic peace, we must become strong.Clean up the countries that once brought us humiliation.

We have to fight constantly, against the little devils, against the British, against the French, against the Russians.

Only by constantly fighting and defeating those countries that are showing off their might in China can we truly realize the unification of the motherland and achieve domestic peace.

This history has made us feel humiliated, but it is not a bad thing.

Because we know from this history what is the only truth of the world.

That is strength!Only when we have the strength to defy the world will we grasp the truth.

But now, this history has given me the determination to work hard.”

Chapter 179: Work hard

"Only when all of us work together can we build our homeland and develop our country well.

I believe that all the sons and daughters of Huaxia will work together to bring Huaxia to the top of the world again and regain the glory we have lost."

Han Ling's speech this time is very famous.

It wasn't his impassioned voice, or his unwavering determination, that made him famous.

It is the effect brought about after this speech.

Officials under the Beiping government began to work hard, and countless officials began to stay up late.

The people's livelihood development plan will be implemented immediately.

And the people below also began to work hard for the goal Han Ling made in his speech.

Young men began to take pride in joining the army to revive China.

Students, with the goal of being admitted to the North China Military Academy.

The navy began to use those gunboats to continuously train naval sailors.

The Air Force is also constantly training pilots.

Many pilots were exhausted from training in the morning until the afternoon, but none of them complained.

In the army, the [-] troops that Gu Zhutong surrendered were reorganized and trained together with the original Pingyuan Army.

Field training, military competitions, cross-river combat acting, and snow combat drills.

Infantry and artillery coordinated combat drills, air artillery coordinated combat drills, land and air coordinated combat drills.

Blitzkrieg drills of armored divisions and air forces.

Infantry-Tank joint offensive drill.

Various drills and plays appeared in the north of the Yangtze River.

All the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army vowed that they must become stronger and keep getting stronger.

They want revenge!

As the saying goes, the emperor humiliated his ministers to death, Han Ling suffered such great humiliation, and the plan for the unification of China was forced to stop.

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