This became the pain of all the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army.

His own commander suffered humiliation, but these soldiers were powerless. Is there anything more incompetent in this world than this?

After that, Han Ling continued to expand his army.

In the past, there were only forty-two standing divisions.

Later, because of the war, the army was expanded to unify China.

Twelve infantry divisions were drawn from the garrison area and reorganized into standing divisions. At that time, there were fifty-four standing divisions.

Another [-] people were recruited, which is the recruit training of twelve standing divisions.

After the training was completed, the Pingyuan Army had sixty-six standing divisions.

After Gu Zhutong's [-] troops surrendered, some soldiers with poor quality were assigned to the garrison area, and the remaining soldiers reorganized into [-] infantry divisions.

A total of one hundred standing infantry divisions.

In addition, the infantry divisions in the various garrison areas north of the Yangtze River add up to more than [-] infantry divisions.

These more than [-] infantry divisions are equivalent to the reserve forces of the Pingyuan Army.

In other words, the Pingyuan Army now has more than [-] infantry divisions and more than [-] million troops.

In addition, the Air Force, Heavy Artillery Division, and Armored Division are all beginning to equip troops as the weapons manufacturing base manufactures those weapons and equipment.

They are all training desperately, and they swear that they must take revenge.

Among them, the most desperate training is the navy.

Although the battleships are not yet in service, Han Ling has already told them that three battleships will be in service in July, so Shen Honglie must train the sailors well.

This training made them work harder.

During this period of time, Shen Honglie did not go home once, and ate and lived with the soldiers every day.

The navy knows why the commander suffered humiliation last time, and why he stopped his plan to regain China because of those foreign warships.

Isn't all this because the navy is too weak?

It was because they were too weak that the coach suffered such unfair treatment.

The north of the Yangtze River is developing as hard as it can.

Its development speed is soaring like a rocket.

And the people's livelihood in various places began to improve rapidly under Han Ling's policy.

First of all, there is the issue of agricultural tax. Han Ling vigorously reduced the agricultural tax, and at the same time used various agricultural machinery produced, so that the semi-mechanical agriculture in North China, Northeast China, and Northwest China began to move towards mechanical agriculture.

Subsequently, various welfare policies for the benefit of the people began to be issued.

In business, Han Ling encouraged businessmen to open factories.

The government sells all kinds of industrial machinery to merchants at a very low price.

Various factories began to be built, and a large number of farmers began to work in the factories.

At the same time, in order to ensure the supply of food, Han Ling's land will be temporarily managed by the government for the farmers who enter the factory.

Rent him out to other farmers.

Peasants who lease land provided by the government only need to pay the landowner a small rent every year.

As for the agricultural tax, it can be done as normal.

But even if they pay twice in this way, the tax they pay is much lower than before.

Totally profitable.

With the rapid development of industry and commerce, Han Ling's idea is to gradually reduce the agricultural tax, and eventually even no agricultural tax.

Just like in the afterlife, there is no more agricultural tax for farmers.

Of course, such a journey is still very long, and it is impossible to realize it in the past few years.

It's just that we aim at this and develop in this direction.

June [-], [-]

Time flies by. It has been a month since the last time the five countries intervened.

Han Ling was very busy this month, so busy that he didn't have much time to go home.

"Marshal! Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. I heard that there is a grand party to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in the Imperial Plaza. Would you like to go?"

Zhang Hanqing walked into Han Ling's office, saw that Han Ling had finished correcting the last document, and couldn't help walking over and smiling.

"Big party? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Han Ling was a little taken aback.

"Master! You've been too busy these days. You can't go on like this. Although you really want to take revenge, you don't work so hard. And it's not just you who want to take revenge, I also want to take revenge, but it doesn't happen overnight. It is a good choice to relax yourself properly!"

Zhang Hanqing looked at Han Ling and said helplessly.

"Okay! I know. Aren't you busy this time! Look at the summary of the situation from various places below.

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