Chapter 181: Establishing Special Forces

"Principal, please give me some advice!"

Gu Zhutong looked at Jiang Baili respectfully.

"En! Don't worry! Now that you have just come here, the commander-in-chief is probably trying to test your character. After all, he doesn't know you very well.

The second thing, I guess you will be notified by the commander in a few days.

Now the military is planning to establish rapid-response mobile units such as mechanized infantry divisions and tank divisions.What you have learned before is outdated.

Now that you are building a modern and advanced army, you must study further.Didn't you notice?

Now the generals above the head of the Pingyuan Army have all entered the military academy for advanced training.

In the next step, you generals who have surrendered will definitely go in for further studies.

So don't worry about your whereabouts.Don't ask me, because of the personnel arrangements, these are beyond our control! "

Jiang Baili shook his head and said.Jiang Baili only knew a thing or two about Han Ling's plan.

But in many cases, he had to admire Han Ling's vision.

The development plan of the Pingyuan Army was completely designed by himself.

Ping Yuanjun never took a detour, and came here step by step.

It took half a year and a half to take down half of China, and the Pingyuan Army was indeed undefeated.

"Thank you principal, I know what I should do!"

Now Gu Zhutong breathed a sigh of relief.

So it's not that I don't want to see myself!

I am just preparing to let myself and others enter the military academy to learn advanced military command knowledge.

No problem!Isn't it just entering the military academy for further study!

After a while, with my own ingenuity, I can still fall into Han Ling's eyes.

Generals like Gu Zhutong who have been able to sit in high positions in history and have been enduring for a long time.

Which one doesn't have real talents and learning, and a flexible mind?

After the Dragon Boat Festival, Han Ling once again devoted himself to military and government affairs.

In the past six months, people's livelihood has been developing steadily under the Huaxia Provisional Government, and the number of beggars in various places has begun to decrease significantly.

On the streets of Peking, you hardly see people like beggars anymore.

In terms of military affairs, the land and air forces have begun to develop rapidly, and the construction of the three battleships of the navy is about to be completed.

As soon as the three battleships were launched, Han Ling allocated one of them to Shen Honglie to train the sailors.

The other two hands are operated by clones, which is also to block the Bohai Bay, so that little devils must not be allowed to enter.

Although clones can quickly make the navy full of combat effectiveness, but to have a strong navy, you still have to train yourself.

Because once a world war breaks out.

The number of navy personnel is not tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands can be ended.

This requires millions of naval personnel.

Sailors, damage control, turbines, etc. also need a large number of personnel in the navy.

How long would it take to rely on synthetic clones?

Fourteen hundred a day.

Fourteen thousand in ten days.

One hundred and fourteen thousand people.

Four hundred and twenty thousand people in three hundred days.

A year is about [-] people.

Is this a lot?

Not much!

And [-] people are needed not only by the navy, but also by the army and air force.

In addition, inspection departments within the government also need,

Some clones will also be placed among the policemen below.

On top of the finances below, some clones will also be put in.

In this way, [-] clones a year, really not many.

So you still need to cultivate yourself.

Now that the Nanjing government and the Beiping government are dividing the river to rule, it is definitely impossible to achieve unification during this period of this year.

What Han Ling has to do now is to prepare for reunification.

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